William & Mary to establish 'school for the future' – Daily Press

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WILLIAMSBURG — For the first time in more than 50 years, William & Mary’s Board of Visitors has voted to create a new school.
On Friday, the board unanimously approved the establishment of a new school that would combine several of the school’s existing academic units, including data science, applied science, computer science and physics.
The proposal will go before the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia, the state’s coordinating agency for higher education, in the spring. If approved, the expected launch will take place in fall 2025, with a dean being named in fall 2024. The school would be the sixth in William & Mary’s history, and first since the establishment of the institution now known as the Raymond A. Mason School of Business in 1968.
Following the vote, Charles Poston, the school’s rector, called it a “historic action” by the board.
“The creation of this school recognizes that the liberal arts is moving forward in different directions,” Poston said. “It is a school for the future.”
Vice rector Barbara Johnson said the resolution was momentous.
Before coming before the full board, the Committee on Academic Affairs moved the proposal forward during its meeting Thursday.
During discussions, the committee “talked about the importance of William & Mary both embracing its tradition and change,” Johnson said. “That’s been the key to our success for over 300 years and we are really excited about the change that a new school can bring.”
The new Data School has been a source of debate in the university community since formal discussions began in spring 2022. An exploratory design team was formed with representatives from all five current William & Mary schools to explore possibilities. According to the university, the new computing and data science school will help expand focus on data fluency, facilitate data-intensive research and further enhance students’ career prospects in sectors that are driving economic growth.
When the topic of a new school first arose, some faculty members said that they did not see why the creation of a new school would better serve the university than just up-sizing the existing arts and sciences department.
Johnson referenced the “fears and concerns” expressed by those opposed to or doubtful about the new school, and said that the Committee on Academic Affairs had “committed to address them.”
In a message to the campus community Friday, Provost Peggy Agouris said the vote capped “years of effort at William & Mary to ensure that faculty and students in these rapidly growing areas continue to flourish.”
The new school promises to “sustain (faculty and student) growth, strengthen teaching and research excellence, attract talented undergraduate and graduate students and faculty members and secure novel internal and external partnerships,” she continued.
With the included units already in place and funded, the new school is projected to require about $1.1 million in additional annual funding, according to information provided by William & Mary.
Sian Wilkerson, 757-342-6616, sian.wilkerson@pilotonline.com
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