Trending News: Latest Trending News, Viral News Today, Top Trending Topics, Videos – The Indian Express

The drink is prepared by soaking fang-bearing pit viper found in Ryukyu Islands for months in whiskey, supposedly neutralising the venom.

Chris Mena showed the final product at the end of the video and the price of such a jacket was $2,400 (Rs 2 lakh approximately.

The Conjuring House investigators revealed that the fire was not the result of any supernatural forces.

Warner shared a video of the devastation caused by the floods and requested people to support relief efforts or offer assistance to those in need.

The restaurant named ‘Shachihoka-ya’ located in Nagoya city, used to offer slaps starting from 300 Japanese Yen (Rs 170 approximately).

After the man missed his train at the Bangalore City railway station, he could board it at the next station which was 27 km away.

The wild berry crystal macaron cheesecake is laced with the world’s priciest gold macaron, which alone costs $9,703 dollars (Rs 8,08,887).

Virali Modi said she was made to wait in the aircraft after all the passengers had deplaned and also complained about her customised cushion being lost.

The 23-year-old has broken the world record for the fastest hit by a male player in badminton.

The video was posted by Kawaljeet Singh Chhabra on Instagram and delighted netizens.

Priscilla Ritcher is known for her impeccable handwriting and her fans have expressed admiration for her work.

Duolingo, known for its distinctive owl mascot and gamified approach to language learning, has become a staple for users seeking to enhance their language skills.

Only during the interval did they discover the cockroaches in the sandwiches, bought along with a burger for Rs 550.

An X user posted about Rohtas Singh, a barber who has a pavement shop in South Delhi’s Greater Kailash area, and said his haircut is comparable to high-end salons.

The flight attendant also celebrated a passenger’s birthday by singing to her and crafting an improvised cake.

A response from 29-year-old Mimi Shou has resonated with many across the globe.

Pallav Singh from Uttar Pradesh’s Deoria shared how his father needed surgery to stay alive.

The total cost of Kevin’s spree tallied up to a reasonable 19.83 dollars (Rs 1,654).

The dog jumped through a broken window and chased away the intruder.

The short video montage featured a compilation of Kim Seokjin’s most memorable moments, both on and off the stage.

Several places in Chennai got submerged due to the heavy rainfall triggered by Cyclone Michaung.

The incident has sparked a wider conversation about the safety of food deliveries.

Postboxes have been installed across various cemeteries in the UK to help the grieving.

Uorfi Javed is known for her quirky sense of fashion which keeps her perpetually on trending lists.

The video showcases the raindrops turning into glittery and neon blues on hitting the ground.


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