Summit País Digital. Education and lifelong learning in the era of Artificial Intelligence – UNESCO

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The activities planned for the Summit aim to raise awareness and promote a debate about leveraging artificial intelligence’s transformative potential in our region’s educational systems from a lifelong learning perspective.
Specific Objectives:
The event will be broadcast through the Radio Bio Bío platforms of Chile.
3rd and 4th September 2024
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has recently become the center of public and media attention. However, as part of its role as a laboratory of ideas, UNESCO has been proactively monitoring the disruptive implications of AI for education over the past few years, providing guidance for policy design and implementing innovative pedagogical practices.
In 2019, in collaboration with global stakeholders, UNESCO published the first document with recommendations on the best ways to leverage AI technologies for SDG 4 of the Education 2030 Agenda. The ‘Beijing Consensus on Artificial Intelligence and Education’ provides principles, guidelines, and recommendations for governments and other stakeholders to implement measures that address the opportunities and challenges presented by AI to education according to their legislation, public policies, and practices.
It also acknowledges that, although machines cannot replace teachers, it has become essential to continuously review and define their new roles and competencies within the context of educational policies, to strengthen teacher training institutions, and to develop appropriate capacity-building programs to prepare teachers to work effectively in AI-rich educational environments.
Furthermore, UNESCO’s recommendation on the ethics of AI underscores the critical importance of ensuring that AI systems serve humanity, people, societies, the environment, and ecosystems and prevent potential harm. It recognizes that life in digitizing societies demands new educational practices, ethical reflection, critical thinking, responsible design practices, and new competencies, given the implications for the labor market, employability, and civic participation.
The “Beijing Consensus on AI and Education” and the “AI and Education: Guidance for Policymakers” emphasize the importance of considering technological innovation as a public good that benefits society. Therefore, they should follow a humanistic approach in its conception and use to enhance people’s capacities, protect their rights, and promote sustainable development. The guide also suggests lifelong learning as a perspective for emerging AI-based applications.
The integration of AI in education presents several challenges that must be addressed to harness its potential. On the one hand, given the current gaps in access to equipment and connectivity in educational institutions, it is critical to ensure that all communities, regardless of geographic location or socioeconomic status, have access to AI technologies. Moreover, since AI functions depend on data, it is crucial to be aware of potential biases, such as racial or gender prejudices, and to implement robust cybersecurity measures to prevent data theft, manipulation, or destruction by hackers or other malicious actors.
Fundación País Digital has been organizing the País Digital Summit in Chile for 12 years, an event that brings together the entire national technological ecosystem through talks and exhibitions that bring digital culture closer to the public. This year’s central theme will be based on the Digital Development Goals (ODD), a strategy aimed at promoting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) from a digital perspective. For the first time, the Pais Digital Summit will include a side event dedicated to Education focused on artificial intelligence from a lifelong learning perspective, which will take place on September 3 and 4.
In this context, UNESCO, as co-organizer of the País Digital Summit for Education, invites various stakeholders to exchange ideas and experiences on how educational systems and training experiences must transform to develop new competencies that enable everyone, throughout their lives, to make appropriate use of Artificial Intelligence.
Organizers: País Digital Foundation – UNESCO
Sponsor: Ministry of Education of Chile
Format: The Summit will be a hybrid event, with in-person attendance and online participation via streaming.
(TBC): The Summit will be a satellite event of UNESCO Digital Learning Week.
Targeted audience: Teachers and school leaders, civil society organizations, researchers, and people interested in using technology in education. 
Duration, Date, and Time: The event will take place in the afternoon on September 3rd and 4th, 2024, and will last 6 hours in total.
Venue: Hotel W. Isidora Goyenechea 3000, Las Condes- Chile. 
This article is related to the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals.


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