NORTH PLATTE, Neb. (KNOP) – October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and it’s essential to stay healthy by creating an early detection routine.
“Self-breast exams are really important; We recommend on a monthly basis to make sure that you’re familiar with the tissue,” said Elizabeth Thayer, Community Health educator and Family Planning coordinator. “If anything feels abnormal, if there is a new lump or bump, any new discharge, a different appearance to the skin, those are things that we want to have you get checked out with your doctor.”
During Pink October, People’s Health is making it their mission to bring awareness and education to the community.
“Throughout October, we are just trying to make it an effort in the community to let people know that hey if you don’t have a doctor if you don’t have a routine insurance that’s able to pay for these things,” said Thayer. “Don’t put off a screening; if you have a lump or something you’re concerned about, call us.”
Together, We Fight is a slogan printed on t-shirts, pins, and bumper stickers. They’re also partnering with local businesses, including Pals Brewing Company, to fight cancer.
“Pals for the last three years has created a beer specifically a portion of that one beer comes back to the clinic,” said Thayer. “So that we can help pay for wellness exams, breast cancer screenings, and mammograms for people who don’t have that insurance coverage. And so being able to have businesses that stand behind us and see the important work that we’re doing for people without insurance who aren’t able to afford these preventative health services.”
Consistent health care plays an essential role.
“It is important to have a regular doctor that you see every year,” said Thayer. “If you go around to different doctors, they’re not going to know what is normal for you. So, keeping with one doctor and doing that monthly self-exam helps to identify what is normal for each person.”
According to the CDC, the United States Preventative Services Task Force has altered the Breast Cancer screening guidelines. The new guidelines recommend that all women ages 40 through 74 get regular screenings every other year.
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