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Alberta’s government has issued a request for proposal (RFP) to enhance drought modelling and help the province prepare for 2024.
As construction begins on the University of Calgary’s new veterinary medicine facilities, Alberta’s government is increasing its funding for the project.
A new Family Justice Strategy will make it easier for Albertans to deal with family court matters.
Minister of Jobs, Economy and Trade Matt Jones issued the following statement about the November 2023 Labour Force Survey from Statistics Canada:
The new Wild Canada will showcase animal habitats that display Alberta’s and Canada’s natural heritage.
Alberta’s government continues to manage the province’s finances responsibly with the future in mind.
Orders approved – November 29, 2023.
New rules will remove the requirement for wills to be translated from French to English.
Jonathan Thompson, chief scientist of Alberta, issued the following statement on drinking water quality in the Lower Athabasca Region:
Premier Danielle Smith, Minister of Energy and Minerals Brian Jean and Minister of Jobs, Economy and Trade Matt Jones issued the following statement on the Dow Path2Zero Fort Saskatchewan project:
Albertans are invited to share their views as the government develops Budget 2024.
Alberta’s government is taking action to address Emergency Medical Services (EMS) concerns provincewide with a new advisory committee, performance framework and fourth dispatch centre.
Alberta’s government is introducing a new carbon capture incentive program that will cut emissions and create jobs.
Alberta has now reduced methane emissions from the oil and gas sector by 45 per cent since 2014.
Alberta’s government is investing an additional $30 million to enable school authorities to better address enrolment growth.
Alberta’s government is increasing its matching donations to organizations hosting fundraising campaigns on the Crowdfunding Alberta online platform.
Premier Danielle Smith and Minister of Environment and Protected Areas Rebecca Schulz will promote Alberta’s leadership in emission reductions and responsible energy development in the Middle East.
Premier Danielle Smith has introduced an Alberta Sovereignty Within a United Canada Act resolution to protect Alberta from the federal government’s proposed net-zero electricity grid regulations to ensure Albertans have access to reliable and affordable power when and where they need it.
Work is ongoing by the Food Safety and Licensed Facility-based Child Care Review Panel to assess regulations governing food safety in child-care settings.
Farm families have improved access to mental health services and resources thanks to more support for the AgKnow Alberta Farm Mental Health Network.
Parliamentary Secretary for Settlement Services and Ukrainian Evacuees Jackie Armstrong-Homeniuk issued the following statement on Holodomor Memorial Day:
Minister of Arts, Culture and Status of Women Tanya Fir and Minister of Indigenous Relations Rick Wilson issued the following statement recognizing International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women and the start of 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence:
Olga Kiiker has pleaded guilty for not following environmental legislation.
Construction to widen the southwest leg of Anthony Henday Drive is now complete.
The Alberta Serious Incident Response Team (ASIRT) has completed its investigations into three separate incidents and released the executive director and assistant executive director’s reports on them.
Alberta’s government is expanding the Alberta Sheriffs Safer Communities and Neighbourhoods (SCAN) unit in Calgary and Edmonton.
Alberta is changing photo radar rules to ensure the focus is on traffic safety, not revenue generation.
Alberta’s government is investing in the provincial trail system and creating new recreation, tourism and economic development opportunities.
Pursuant to Sec. 46.1 of the Police Act, ASIRT was directed to investigate two incidents. ASIRT’s investigations are now complete and the director’s findings are provided below.
Minister of Children and Family Services Searle Turton and Minister of Education Demetrios Nicolaides issued the following statement on Bullying Awareness Week:
Orders Approved – November 22, 2023
Justice Joyce L. Lester has been appointed as the assistant chief justice of the Alberta Court of Justice, Edmonton Criminal Division, for a five-year term.
Alberta’s government is investing $16 million to upgrade 400 affordable housing units so more Albertans have access to safe homes.
President of Treasury Board and Minister of Finance Nate Horner issued the following statement on the federal government’s fall economic statement:
Alberta’s government is expanding opportunities for nurse practitioners to give Albertans greater access to a regular primary care provider when and where they need one.
All Albertans are encouraged to participate in an online survey on the refocusing of Alberta’s health care system.
Municipal Affairs Minister Ric McIver issued the following statement after comments and actions from the federal government on agreements with municipalities:
Alberta’s government has awarded the first contract to begin twinning Highway 3, improving safety, creating jobs and spurring economic investment in the region.
Alberta’s government is investing in MacEwan University, which will help keep Edmonton’s downtown vibrant for businesses and community members.
Alberta’s government is launching a new program to provide shelter for seniors escaping elder abuse in rural and Indigenous communities.
Minister of Arts, Culture and Status of Women Tanya Fir issued the following statement recognizing Transgender Day of Remembrance:
Minister of Arts, Culture and Status of Women Tanya Fir and Minister of Jobs, Economy and Trade Matt Jones issued the following statement recognizing Women’s Entrepreneurship Day:
Alberta’s government is providing $1 million in funding to enhance activity on non-motorized trails on public lands.
The Alberta Serious Incident Response Team (ASIRT) has completed its investigation into five files and released the executive director and assistant executive director’s reports.
Alberta’s tourism growth is creating new opportunities for local businesses and supporting jobs for Albertans.
Premier Danielle Smith and Minister of Environment and Protected Areas Rebecca Schulz issued the following statement on the Federal Court ruling that the federal government’s unilateral decision to label plastics as ‘toxic’ was both unreasonable and unconstitutional:
Three rural and remote communities will have an opportunity to connect to cutting-edge high-speed internet through a pilot program with Starlink satellite internet technology.
The new Misericordia Community Hospital emergency department will significantly increase capacity, providing care for three times more patients than originally built for.
Nominations to honour extraordinary Alberta athletes, teams, coaches and officials with Alberta Sport Recognition Awards are now open.
Alberta’s government, in partnership with Healthy Aging Alberta, will be offering transportation programs for seniors in five rural communities.
Alberta’s government, together with the federal government, has delivered high-speed internet to families in northwest Alberta.
Minister of Technology and Innovation Nate Glubish issued the following statement in response to the Canadian Venture Capital and Private Equity Association’s third-quarter report:
Alberta’s government is implementing a new team of specialized sheriffs to give police in southern Alberta more tools to combat criminal activity.
Alberta's government is providing funding to the Town of Slave Lake to operate a new emergency shelter.
Minister of Indigenous Relations Rick Wilson issued the following statement to recognize Métis Week, Nov. 12-18:
Minister of Immigration and Multiculturalism Muhammad Yaseen issued the following statement to those celebrating Diwali:
Minister of Service Alberta and Red Tape Reduction Dale Nally will travel to Texas Nov. 13-18 to promote Alberta as a destination for international technology investment.
Premier Danielle Smith released the following statement on Remembrance Day:
MLAs Grant Hunter and Tany Yao will advance Alberta’s interests at the Council of State Governments West (CSG West) meeting from Nov. 12-15 in Los Angeles, Calif.
With help from the Investment and Growth Fund, Structural Truss Systems Ltd. is opening a new facility in Fort Macleod.
As Alberta’s government continues its work to develop a new social studies curriculum, Holocaust education will be a mandatory component.
Updated justice legislation would clarify definitions, increase access to justice and ensure legal provisions are current.
New grants for non-profits, Indigenous and small communities will build capacity in agriculture, small business and economic development.
Orders Approved – November 8, 2023.
A new trial process will save Albertans time and money when pursuing legal action.
Minister of Environment and Protected Areas Rebecca Schulz issued the following statement in response to a report released by the Office of the Auditor General of Canada:
Minister of Health Adriana LaGrange has appointed a new AHS board to refocus Alberta Health Services as the province transitions the health care system.
A refocused health care system will improve health outcomes for Albertans and empower health care workers to deliver quality care across the province.
Minister of Tourism and Sport Joseph Schow will travel to France and Germany to showcase Alberta as the international destination of choice to live, play and visit.
Albertans can now access two online surveys on how to improve election processes and accountability for locally elected officials.
Minister of Arts, Culture and Status of Women Tanya Fir issued the following statement on Alberta Book Day:
Changes to legislation would allow for broader use of the software engineer title within the technology sector.
Alberta’s government is taking action to ensure Albertans in need have access to quality and nutritious food.
President of Treasury Board and Minister of Finance Nate Horner issued the following statement following the Nov. 3 federal-provincial- territorial (FPT) meeting of finance ministers:
Minister of Jobs, Economy and Trade Matt Jones issued the following statement about the October 2023 Labour Force Survey from Statistics Canada:
Alberta’s 2023 wildfire season was the province’s busiest on record, with the largest area ever burned.
Alberta has submitted detailed analysis showing why proposed federal regulations will threaten the province’s electricity grid.
Proposed legislation would protect the pensions and benefits of Albertans and guarantee that the decision to pursue a provincial pension plan is theirs.
Proposed legislation would provide clarity for Albertans about who is responsible for decisions in exceptional circumstances.
The Alberta Serious Incident Response Team (ASIRT) has completed its investigation into an RCMP officer-involved shooting and released the assistant executive director’s report.
Proposed legislation would make it easier for public sector employers to retain and attract talent thanks to a new, flexible compensation governance model.
Amendments to provincial tax legislation would ensure Alberta’s tax laws remain clear and consistent.
Minister of Health Adriana LaGrange issued the following statement on actions being taken to address physician shortages:
New reforms will address the pressing issue of automobile insurance rates in the province as the government explores longer-term solutions.
The latest intake of the Aviation Skills Grant is cleared for takeoff and is helping to further position Alberta as Canada’s premier aviation hub.
Minister of Children and Family Services Searle Turton and Minister of Arts, Culture and Status of Women Tanya Fir recognize Family Violence Prevention Month:
Minister of Health Adriana LaGrange issued the following statement on Lung Cancer Awareness Month:
Non-profit and charitable organizations in Alberta now have one-stop access to supports and services to start, manage and grow their organization.
Alberta’s government is introducing amending legislation that would help ensure all those who contributed to the creation of the opioid addiction crisis are held responsible.
Alberta’s government took decisive action in August to address lab appointment backlogs, and now Calgarians have access to thousands of additional community lab appointments.
The opening of the new Norwood West building at the Gene Zwozdesky Centre provides Albertans with greater access to complex, post-acute and continuing care.
Alberta’s government has introduced legislation that would protect Albertans and Alberta businesses against future income tax rate increases.
Measures to keep more money in Albertans’ pockets, improve patient outcomes and support more students remain the Alberta government’s priorities, as outlined in the speech from the throne.
Alberta’s government is expanding the Alberta Indigenous Opportunities Corporation’s (AIOC) capacity to support Indigenous investment and create long-term economic benefits.
The Alberta legislature will reconvene on Oct. 30 with legislation geared towards providing financial protection and securing Albertans’ interests.
Bravo #1 Aerial Application Ltd. (Bravo) has pleaded guilty to not following pesticide regulations and environmental legislation.
Alberta’s government is proud to celebrate the groundbreaking of 24 new affordable housing units in Leduc.
The Alberta Serious Incident Response Team (ASIRT) has completed its investigation into an incident and released the assistant executive director’s report.
Applications open Oct. 30 for the 2023 Canada-Alberta Drought Livestock Assistance program, providing livestock producers with up to $165 million to maintain breeding herds.
Alberta’s government is appointing Paul Baay as temporary administrator at the Banff Centre for Arts and Creativity, replacing the current chair and board of governors.
Orders Approved – October 26, 2023.
Alberta’s government is investing $10 million to help more Albertans with disabilities access employment supports.
Alberta’s government is expanding dual credit programming for students to explore career paths and make meaningful transitions into post-secondary education, trade designations or the workplace.
Alberta’s government is investing an additional $9 million over the next three years in new projects that will help promote regional economic growth across the province.
Plaques honouring the career of former Alberta chief justice Catherine Fraser will be displayed in the Edmonton Law Courts and the Alberta Court of Appeal in Calgary.
Alberta’s government is investing more than $23.6 million in new supports for foster caregivers and measures to improve stability for young people in care.
The governments of Alberta and Canada are providing $165 million to support livestock producers affected by drought and extreme growing conditions.
The Alberta Serious Incident Response Team (ASIRT) has completed its investigations into four separate incidents and released the executive director and assistant executive director’s reports on them.
On Oct. 12, the Alberta Serious Incident Response Team (ASIRT) was directed to investigate the in-custody death of a 50-year-old man shortly after his arrest by Slave Lake RCMP.
Alberta’s government is delivering on a faster, safer and more efficient transportation network with the final push to complete the Calgary Ring Road project.
Eight remarkable Albertans are being recognized and celebrated with the Alberta Order of Excellence.
With help from the Investment and Growth Fund, Alberta will be home to a new manufacturing facility, S3 Group’s sixth facility in North America and first in Alberta.
Alberta’s government is stabilizing and strengthening primary health care across the province so that everyone can access care when and where they need it.
The Persons Case Scholarship is now open to help Albertans studying in fields that advance gender equality.
On Sept. 27, the Alberta Serious Incident Response Team (ASIRT) was directed to investigate an RCMP officer-involved shooting in Wood Buffalo.
On Oct. 2, the Alberta Serious Incident Response Team (ASIRT) was directed to investigate the circumstances surrounding the arrest of a man who went into medical distress and died in hospital 12 days later.
The Alberta Sheriffs have shut down a property in Calgary where drug activity and violence prompted frequent visits from police.
Alberta’s government is investing $40 million to help small and medium businesses find new ways to lower emissions, reduce energy costs and grow the economy.
Alberta’s government is marking the grand opening of the Muriel Ross Abdurahman housing facility in Fort Saskatchewan.
Alberta’s government is investing $11 million in nurse bridging programs for internationally educated nurses.
With funding from Alberta’s government, the Mustard Seed will open 40 new year-round shelter spaces for women in Calgary.
Facility upgrades at Medicine Hat College will create accessible, modernized spaces and improve the student experience.
Minister of Mental Health and Addiction Dan Williams issued the following statement on the conclusion of Dr. Keith Humphreys’ service on Alberta’s Recovery Expert Advisory Panel:
Parliamentary secretary for small business and northern development Tany Yao issued the following statement on Small Business Week, Oct. 15-21:
Minister of Health Adriana LaGrange issued the following statement on Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day:
Premier Danielle Smith and Minister of Justice Mickey Amery issued the following statement following the Supreme Court of Canada’s ruling on the Impact Assessment Act, formerly Bill C-69:
Alberta’s government is celebrating the groundbreaking for new affordable homes in northeast Calgary.
Alberta’s government is honouring 31 Albertans born abroad for their efforts to build strong, caring and inclusive communities.
Alberta’s government will receive $54 million in federal funding to develop and deploy a 10-year strategy to end gender-based violence in Alberta.
Review of EPS line-of-duty deaths
Alberta’s government is providing $16 million to revitalize a major campus hub and support growing student enrolment at Lakeland College.
Albertans are invited to discuss the findings of a recent, independent report on a potential Alberta Pension Plan (APP).
Alberta’s government is providing $2.1 million to expand day-to-day in-home services for seniors across the province in collaboration with Healthy Aging Alberta.
Women pursuing careers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) fields can now apply for the Women in STEM Scholarship.
Premier Danielle Smith released the following statement on the one-year anniversary of being sworn in as Premier:
The governments of Alberta and Canada are helping create up to 22,500 affordable private child-care spaces where families need them most.
Minister of Mental Health and Addiction Dan Williams issued the following statement on World Mental Health Day:
Premier Danielle Smith issued the following statement celebrating Thanksgiving:
MLAs Shane Getson and Garth Rowswell will travel to Germany to learn about the country’s energy transition plans and how Alberta can be a strong partner.
Alberta’s government is investing up to $330 million over five years to support the Calgary Rivers District and Event Centre and revitalize downtown Calgary.
A new capital grant will help Alberta’s agricultural societies with facility repairs and upgrades.
Minister of Children and Family Services Searle Turton issued the following statement recognizing Child Abuse Prevention Month:
Alberta’s government is investing in courthouse infrastructure to provide Albertans with courthouses that are modern, safe and easy to access.
Minister of Indigenous Relations Rick Wilson issued the following statement on Sisters in Spirit Day:
Order Approved – October 3, 2023
Campus upgrades and a new program for aspiring apprentice plumbers will improve student experience at Northern Lakes College and meet the need for skilled workers.
Minister of Health Adriana LaGrange issued the following statement on Breast Cancer Awareness Month:
Classroom upgrades and the return of the steamfitter-pipefitter program at Portage College will improve student experience to meet the need for skilled workers.
Minister of Health Adriana LaGrange issued the following statement about the respiratory virus dashboard:
Calgary’s new 12-unit Elders’ Lodge will support Indigenous Elders and seniors in need of affordable housing.
Minister of Children and Family Services Searle Turton issued the following statement to honour foster and kinship caregivers:
Investments in facility upgrades at Keyano College will ensure the health and safety of staff and students and improve the student experience.
Minister of Education Demetrios Nicolaides issued the following statement on Dyslexia Awareness Month:
Minister of Arts, Culture and Status of Women Tanya Fir issued the following statement in recognition of Women’s History Month:
Minister of Indigenous Relations Rick Wilson issued the following statement on the Day for Truth and Reconciliation:
Working alongside Indigenous Elders, Alberta’s government opened the Kihciy Maskikiy/Aakaakmotaani garden on the east lawn of the legislature grounds.
Minister of Health Adriana LaGrange issued the following statement to update Albertans about respiratory virus season:
Orders Approved – September 28, 2023.
Ambreen Azim has been appointed as a full-time justice of the peace effective Dec. 4.
Starting Oct. 10, eligible Albertans will be able to book their annual immunizations against fall respiratory viruses.
Alberta is calling on Canadians to oppose federal regulations that will make electricity more expensive and hurt grid reliability for businesses and families.
Minister of Immigration and Multiculturalism Muhammad Yaseen issued the following statement on Mawlid al-Nabi:
Minister of Jobs, Economy and Trade Matt Jones will travel to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) to promote Alberta’s energy solutions.
Alberta’s government continues to support regional tourism opportunities across the province, generating jobs and new tourism destinations for locals and visitors alike.
An external panel led by former Calgary police chief Rick Hanson will review food safety in kitchens that provide food in licensed child-care facilities across Alberta and make recommendations on how to better protect children.
Alberta’s government is providing $1.7 million to expand low-income transit programs in six new communities across the province.
Premier Danielle Smith issued the following statement marking the end of Yom Kippur:
Transportation and Economic Corridors Minister Devin Dreeshen will travel to Washington, D.C., New Hampshire and Toronto to promote the importance of expanding economic corridors in North America.
A $12.4-million investment from Alberta’s government will create almost 2,000 new apprenticeship seats across the province.
Alberta’s government is releasing a new, science-based management framework to recognize feral horses and ensure their future sustainability.
Minister of Advanced Education Rajan Sawhney and Minister of Education Demetrios Nicolaides issued the following statement on Apprenticeship Day 2023:
Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Services Mike Ellis issued the following statement on Police and Peace Officers’ Memorial Day:
Minister of Environment and Protected Areas Rebecca Schulz issued the following statement on the federal government’s upcoming draft methane emissions regulations and Alberta’s leadership in this area:
Alberta’s government is proud to celebrate the completion of new affordable housing in Lethbridge in partnership with the Blackfoot Family Lodge Society.
Minister of Indigenous Relations Rick Wilson issued the following statement commemorating the signing of Treaty 7:
Albertans will be able to review an independent report on the potential creation of an Alberta Pension Plan ahead of provincewide engagement.
Minister of Agriculture and Irrigation RJ Sigurdson issued the following statement on Agricultural Societies Day:
Albertans can now access addiction treatment free of charge at the new Lethbridge Recovery Community.
Minister of Justice Mickey Amery and Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Services Mike Ellis issued the following statement on federal bail legislation:
As hospital admissions and daily numbers of new E. coli cases continue to decline, health officials are seeing signs that the initial outbreak that affected several Calgary daycares has peaked.
Alberta has approved funding for a multi-year study that will explore how small modular nuclear reactors could be safely, technically and economically deployed for oil sands operations.
Minister of Arts, Culture and Status of Women Tanya Fir issued the following statement in recognition of Gender Equality Week:
Minister of Forestry and Parks Todd Loewen issued the following statement on Bertie Beaver’s 65th birthday and National Forest Week:
Alberta’s government is beginning a transparent and collaborative process to engage Albertans and education partners to redraft kindergarten to Grade 6 (K-6) social studies curriculum.
Minister of Health Adriana LaGrange issued the following statement on the start of respiratory virus season:
Minister of Arts, Culture and Status of Women Tanya Fir and Minister of Advanced Education Rajan Sawhney issued the following statement in recognition of Consent Week:
Minister of Energy and Minerals Brian Jean issued the following statement about the 24th World Petroleum Congress being held in Calgary Sept. 17-21:
Dr. Mark Joffe, Chief Medical Officer of Health, issued the following statement on the E. Coli situation in Calgary:
To support families through these challenging times, Alberta’s government will be providing families affected by the outbreak with a one-time payment of $2,000 per child.
President of Treasury Board and Minister of Finance Nate Horner issued the following statement on Alberta’s recent credit rating upgrade:
Premier Danielle Smith issued the below statement following the first meeting of an Alberta-Ottawa working group on emissions reduction and energy development:
Minister of Agriculture and Irrigation RJ Sigurdson will travel to South Korea and Japan to promote Alberta’s agriculture industry and world-class agri-food products.
A unique draw opportunity to participate in a hunt that helps sustain the wood bison population is now open.
More funding is now available to revitalize and bring outdated affordable housing units back into use across Alberta.
Alberta’s government is investing $5 million in planning funding for a new Multidisciplinary Science Hub that will support student and economic growth and success.
Alberta’s government is investing $5 million for the 2023-24 school year to support students with low incidence disabilities.
A detailed investigation is currently underway to determine the source of the contamination, which is believed to be a food source from the central kitchen used by the daycares.
New targeted prosecution units and stricter bail protocol will make offenders accountable for their actions and better protect Albertans from violent criminal activity.
Premier Danielle Smith issued the following statement in recognition of Alberta Public Service Week:
Minister of Mental Health and Addiction Dan Williams and Minister of Children and Family Services Searle Turton issued the following statements on World Suicide Prevention Day:
School is back for many families across the province, and Alberta Transportation and Economic Corridors encourages parents and caregivers to talk with their kids and teens about active and safe ways to travel to school.
A new initiative will allow school boards to purchase buses and extend transportation services to more Alberta students.
The Alberta Serious Incident Response Team (ASIRT) has completed its investigations into three separate incidents and released reports on the findings of the executive director and assistant executive director.
Minister of Jobs, Economy and Trade Matt Jones issued the following statement about the August 2023 Labour Force Survey from Statistics Canada:
Five Albertans and one community are receiving the Emergency Management Exemplary Service Award (EMESA) for their outstanding contributions and achievements in keeping their communities safe.
On Sept. 1, the Alberta Serious Incident Response Team (ASIRT) was directed to investigate an officer-involved shooting in Edmonton that resulted in the death of a 30-year-old man.
The Government of Alberta is ensuring Alberta’s provincial trail system is accessible, safe and sustainable for everyone.
Minister of Immigration and Multiculturalism Muhammad Yaseen, Minister of Arts, Culture and Status of Women Tanya Fir and Parliamentary Secretary for Settlement Services and Ukrainian Evacuees Jackie Armstrong-Homeniuk issued the following statements on Ukrainian-Canadian Heritage Day:
Almost $3 million is being provided to increase wages for front-line workers supporting individuals with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD).
Construction is beginning on a new chartered surgical facility on Enoch Cree Nation that will increase publicly funded surgeries and reduce wait times.
Alberta’s government is investing $27.3 million to support the growth of innovative research at Alberta’s post-secondary institutions.
Minister of Jobs, Economy and Trade Matt Jones issued the following statement on Labour Day:
Emergencies and public safety
Public engagement
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