Keynote Speakers For 45th Conference On Aging Nov. 13-14 – Los Alamos Daily Post

SANTA FE — The 45th Annual Conference on Aging, scheduled for Nov. 13-14, announces the keynote speakers who will share their knowledge, insights and dedication to senior well-being and caregiving.
The speakers will be split over the two days of the conference and will be preceded by remarks from the Governor Monday, and the Lt. Governor Tuesday.
Monday, Nov. 13: 
Tuesday, Nov. 14: 
“We are honored and thrilled to welcome Barbara Hubbard and Valerie Tsosie as our keynote speakers,” ALTSD Cabinet Secretary Jen Paul Schroer said. “Their unique perspectives and extensive experience will enrich our discussions, foster connection, and undoubtedly inspire conference attendees in their professional and personal lives.”
The conference program can be viewed here
Conference Details: 
Dance Details: 

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