TL;DR: As of Sept. 26, you can take a wide range of Python programming courses for free on Udemy.
Voucher codes are one of those things that can potentially save you a lot of money, but often let you down. It’s common to apply a voucher code and expect a massive discount, only to be met with an error message.
We hope that’s not the case this time around, because Udemy has dropped a bunch of voucher codes for Python programming courses. We have checked out everything on offer and lined up a selection of standout options. Simply copy these voucher codes and add to the “apply coupon” box, and you should be able to enroll for free:
Python and TensorFlow: Deep Dive into Machine Learning — free with code FALLFUN5
Python for Game Programming: Pygame from A to Z — free with code PUMPKINSPICE30
Python GUI Development with Tkinter: Build Pro Desktop Apps — free with code CANDLELIGHT45
Python for Data Visualization: The Complete Masterclass — free with code BONFIRE50
Python for Data Science and Machine Learning: Zero to Hero — free with code HOCUSPOCUS170
Python for OOP: The A-to-Z OOP Python Programming Course — free with code AUTUMNMAGIC215
Python for Deep Learning: Build Neural Networks in Python — free with code COZYCHAIR305
Data Manipulation in Python: Master Python, Numpy and Pandas — free with code HAUNTEDTRAIL310
Python for OOP: The A-to-Z OOP Python Programming Course — free with code AUTUMNMAGIC215
Python for Machine Learning: The Complete Beginner’s Course — free with code SPOOKYFOREST295
There is a limit on the number of times that these voucher codes can be applied, so we recommend acting fast if you see something you like. We don’t want you to miss out.
Apply these voucher codes to learn Python for free.
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Joseph joined Mashable as the UK Shopping Editor in 2018. He worked for a number of print publications before making the switch to the glittery world of digital media, and now writes about everything from coffee machines to VPNs.