Read about these 21 new stake presidents — from Nicaragua to … – Church News

Notices of reorganized stakes around the world
The Kahului Hawaii West Stake Center of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Leslie Nilsson, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Notices of reorganized stakes around the world
The Kahului Hawaii West Stake Center of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Leslie Nilsson, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
BOGOTÁ COLOMBIA GRANADA STAKE: (May 7, 2023) President — Jesus Eduardo Lopez Camargo, 48, Pharmaplus administrative and financial manager; succeeding Carlos F. Rodriguez Pinzon; wife, Carmen Alicia Morales de Lopez. Counselors — Carlos Andres Vargas Vargas, 39, DSM Nutritional Products quality manager; wife, Maritza Meza Hernandez. Alexander Murillo Morales, 50, Inverba investment banking broker; wife, Guadalupe Aristizabal Gonzalez.
CARACAS VENEZUELA LOS TEQUES STAKE: (June 25, 2023) President — Luis Beltran Espinoza Infante, 49, armed forces pensioner; succeeding Juan C. Jimenez Barrios; wife, Iris Deydame Vera de Espinoza. Counselors — Miguel Angel Gomez Wilson, 47, Hagrivel C.A. administrative assistant; wife, Sandra Carolina de Gomez Prada. Darwin Eduardo Apure, 49, Church buyer; wife, Heidy Carolina Chacon Espinoza.
COMAYAGÜELA HONDURAS TOROCAGUA STAKE: (Feb. 5, 2023) President — Luis Humberto Mencia Ulloa, 37, Banco de Occidente bank loan officer; succeeding Elder Josue Alvarado; wife, Jessica Yulenia Cruz de Mencia. Counselors — Victor René Sierra Mencía, 39, Results Honduras S.A. human resources supervisor; wife, Alejandra Maria Diaz Estrada. Oscar Manuel Diaz Estrada, 31, Secretary of the state of Honduras social services doctor; wife, Katherine Betsabe Mejia Rodriguez.
IDAHO FALLS TAYLOR MOUNTAIN STAKE: (Jan. 15, 2023) President — David Gary Adams, 43, Intermountain Packing LLC and Intermountain Bison LLC CEO and Inntrusted LLC chief development officer; succeeding Carl D. Vance; wife, Melissa Ann Egan Adams. Counselors — Scott T Allen, 42, dentist; wife, Stacey Marie Peterson Allen. Travis Victor Gardner, 39, Just 4 Kids Health co-founder and chief operating officer; wife, Julie Kaye Crockett Gardner.
MANILA PHILIPPINES STAKE: (Jan. 29, 2023) President — Stephen Velarde Casio, 47, Tiplinks Inc. (Fetcher) country manager; succeeding Berthrand Kerwin T. Sevilla; wife, Aileen Mae Fernandez Jao Casio. Counselors — Jude Erwin Campos Osma, 51, Church architect; wife, Eleanor Tibi Solano Osma. Ian Alfonso Degracia Santamaria Jr., 36, Shania’s Bakeshop and GoNegosyo entrepreneur; wife, Shagreel Altez Escritor Santamaria.
MASATEPE NICARAGUA STAKE: (Jan. 29, 2023) President — Bismarc Alberto Reyes Pavón, 33, business owner; succeeding Jose A. Cerda López; wife, Cristhel Yaoska Palma Aragon de Reyes. Counselors — Jairo Manuel Martinez Amador, 39, self-employed; wife, Conny Concepción Jimenez de Martinez. William Steve Lopez Porras, 34, Tide Manufacturing S.A. bilingual customer service agent; wife, Heyssel Vanessa Lopez Rocha de Lopez.
MCALLEN TEXAS WEST STAKE: (June 4, 2023) President — Lance Hamlin Ames, 38, South Texas Health System — Edinburg and Children’s Hospitals CEO; succeeding Robert A. Salmond; wife, Jennifer Ann Cottrell Ames. Counselors — Jesus Alberto Villalpando, 41, Wells Fargo Bank personal banker; wife, Alejandra Myres Hernandez Villalpando. Samuel Spencer Shipp, 44, Brilliant Elegance LLC business owner; wife, Jennifer Solis Shipp.
NEWCASTLE AUSTRALIA STAKE: (June 4, 2023) President — Shane William Osmotherly, 49, medical doctor; succeeding Jacob D. Whiting; wife, Sarah Anne Rourke Osmotherly. Counselors — Pita Moala Tupou, 50, Baida/Steggles export manager; wife, Hifoileva Pousima Tupou. Jared John Allen, 39, clinical nurse consultant; wife, Kimberley Anne Conlon Allen.
PESEGA SAMOA STAKE: (June 18, 2023) President — Fagasa Fepulea’i, 55, Seminaries and Institutes of Religion coordinator; succeeding Lake T. Ah Chong; wife, Sinave Williams Fepulea’i. Counselors — Davis Darling Burgess, 66, self-employed; wife, Salu Adele Brown Burgess. Jared Lanuimoana Palepoi, 49, Sheraton Beach Resort Samoa IT supervisor; wife, Lalovi Vinemoni Tenney Palepoi.
PIRASSUNUNGA BRAZIL STAKE: (June 18, 2023) President — Cláudio da Silva, 61, USP public agent; succeeding Anderson Rodrigues Rangel; wife, Maria Conceição dos Santos Silva. Counselors — Lucian Inocêncio Cabreira, 33, Madeiranit salesman; wife, Ligia Viegas de Oliveira Cabreira. Alexsander Oliveira Finati, 29, JPNR Negocios Corporativos Ltda. project manager; wife, Nayara Davantel Finati.
PIURA PERÚ CENTRAL STAKE: (Feb. 12, 2023) President — Carlos Daniel Torres Salazar, 38, Nipro Medical Corporation Sucursal del Perú biomedical equipment technician; succeeding Diego A. Hernandez; wife, Evilin Elvira de Torres Seramano. Counselors — Jaen Henry Espinoza Correa, 43, dentist; wife, Yanina Lisbeth de Espinoza Valle. Jorge Luis Hernandez Litano, 53, San Miguel College teacher; wife, Thatiana Violeta de Hernandez Castro.
PIURA PERÚ MIRAFLORES STAKE: (July 2, 2023) President — Jhymmy Esinoza Correa, 50, lawyer; succeeding Edgar R. Silva Julian; wife, Shirley Patricia Espinoza Carrera de. Counselors — Miguel Angel Arizola Zavala, 44, Electronoroeste S.A. supervisor; wife, Paola de los Milagros Arizonla Olivares. Edwin Martin Garcia Ramirez, 52, César Vallejo University postgraduate unit head and volunteer psychological consultant; wife, Maria Carolina de Garcia Bustamante.
PROVO UTAH 1ST STAKE (TONGAN): (June 4, 2023) President — Francis U H Mateaki, 42, FedEx account manager; succeeding Hutch U. Fale; wife, Ella Tangimana Mateaki. Counselors — Ronald Fitisemanu Albert, 49, Pure Enviro Management director of operations and Utah Valley University academic counselor; wife, Sarana Logotaeao Ma’o Albert. Morris ‘Alalate Havea, 41, Brigham Young University extramural sports program manager; wife, Josie Ema De Leon Havea.
RUASHI DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO STAKE: (June 4, 2023) President — Kasense Kazadi, 51, Democratic Republic of the Congo State office manager; succeeding Ndalamba Ilunga; wife, Kabeya Nathalie Bulungu Kazadi. Counselors — Kabale Banza Delly Ilunga, 43, Church real estate project manager; wife, Therese Nguvu Kabale Yemba. Jonathan Patient Kabambi Sabwe, 38, self-employed entrepreneur and private provincial mining minister’s administrative assistant; wife, Ilunga Nathaly Tshilobo Kabambi.
SALINA UTAH STAKE: (Aug. 6, 2023) President — Jonathan Austin Mason, 46, Mason Diesel Service owner and mechanic; succeeding Scott K. Wilkins; wife, Sandi Johnson Mason. Counselors — Kade Richard Wasden, 42, self-employed owner and manager; wife, Penni Larsen Wasden. Krieg Brock Rasmussen, 41, Hales Sand and Gravel/Staker Parson Cos. operations manager; wife, Krista Mae Smith Rasmussen.
SAN LUIS OBISPO CALIFORNIA STAKE: (Jan. 29, 2023) President — Kurt Marvin Leavitt, 44, dentist; succeeding Eric P. Kasper; wife, Michelle Diane Tiek Leavitt. Counselors — William Maury Jackman, 65, Mission Surety and Insurance Agency principal; wife, Jenifer Cook Jackman. Andrew Dellas Rasmussen, 64, retired county sheriff’s office sergeant; wife, Pamela June Quigley Rasmussen.
SAN LUIS POTOSÍ MÉXICO STAKE: (June 11, 2023) President — Everardo Ramirez Lopez, 41, Kellogg Company national indirect sales manager; succeeding Manuel Gutiérrez Mendoza; wife, Diana Ibeth Beltran Moreno. Counselors — Alejandro Sánchez Gómez, 48, Church facilities manager; wife, Xochitl Karina de Sánchez Salazar. Heber Silva Rodriguez, 34, Aspen Construction general manager; wife, Raquel González Garzón.
SAN TAN VALLEY ARIZONA STAKE: (Aug. 6, 2023) President — Jacob Aaron Seal, 37, Seminaries and Institutes of Religion seminary instructor; succeeding Ryan R. Anderson; wife, Abby Lyn Hogan Seal. Counselors — Evan Anderson Nielsen, 62, Nielsen Law Group founding attorney; wife, Lena Gaye Hundley Nielsen. Isaac William Bridge, 42, D&I Pools & Spas LLC owner; wife, Nikki Wild Bridge.
SÃO BERNARDO BRAZIL RUDGE RAMOS STAKE: (June 18, 2023) President — Victor Maciel Teixeira, 38, Master Soluções scrum master; succeeding Ricardo Barcelos Da Costa; wife, Pamela Michelini Brandini Teixeira. Counselors — Jonatas Silva de Siqueira, 42, Residencial Dignidade Eirele president and owner and Banco Itaú banking support for managers; wife, Lucila Regiane Martins de Siqueira. Fernando Brito do Nascimento, 43, Fast Shop S.A. information security coordinator; wife, Eloiza Maria da Silva Brito.
SPANISH FORK UTAH RIVER STAKE: (June 4, 2023) President — Jared Wilson Young, 47, ARO lead operations specialist; succeeding Aaron T. Peterson; wife, Matia Jo Pyne Young. Counselors — Joshua Ray Galovich, 44, Red Rhino Industrial owner and partner; wife, Holly Marie Tiare Shaver Galovich. Gregory Ronald Bennett, 47, Bennett Communications Inc. editor-in-chief; wife, Adria Laurel Smith Bennett.
UKAT ARAN NIGERIA STAKE: (July 16, 2023) President — Alexander Etuwewe, 37, Church meetinghouse facilities department technician; succeeding Ibanga I. Jackson; wife, Juliet Alexander Umoh Etuwewe. Counselors — Bassey Christopher Bassey, 45, self-employed manager; wife, Aniekpeno Monday Sam Bassey Christopher. Anietie Monday Dick, 30, self-employed CEO; wife, Charity Anietie Monday.


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