Marketing, Digital Marketing Concentration, B.B.A. –

A digital marketing concentration offers student a strong foundation of experiential learning in this growing industry. Businesses across all sectors understand the need to utilize digital technologies to attract and retain customers. Therefore, well-prepared graduates are in demand for a growing number of careers in the job market. Students will learn best practices to solve real-world challenges and drive ROI within any organization.
Amanda Vencill transferred to MTSU in 2017 as a sophomore Music Business major. “I absolutely loved all my Recording Industry classes and spent a while going back and forth, trying to decide what kind of career I wanted after college,” she said. During her senior year, Amanda decided she was interested in digital marketing, and sought advice from her Marketing Analytics professor on how to start growing her skillset and transition to a marketing career as someone who was just a couple months away from graduating with a Music Business degree and a Marketing minor. “The next couple of months got crazy – the COVID-19 pandemic began and everything shut down. I was taking all my classes, doing research and trying to grow my marketing skills, and starting an internship at a local marketing agency, all from my apartment. But, in many ways, it was the best timing I could’ve asked for.”  Amanda ended up getting hired at the agency and got a job in marketing right out of college. After about a year-and-a-half at the agency, she decided she wanted to branch out and try marketing in-house for one brand, instead of the agency-style marketing for many different brands. She made the transition in November of 2021 and works as a Digital Marketing Coordinator for Cracker Barrel’s home office. “I’m so thankful to be where I am now, as well as for all the steps and people that got me here,” she said.

As a Media Specialist at Bayard Advertising, Corey Hernandez says the Dale Carnegie course helped him develop skills needed in his current role and will help guide him in the future. “The Dale Carnegie course allowed me to strengthen my skills, helped me learn how to manage deadlines effectively and learn how to not only successfully finish independent projects, but team projects as well,” he said. Hernandez said he was taught organization was “key to being successful” and he’s made that a top priority in his role as a Media Specialist. In the future, Hernandez wants to work for George P. Johnson and work on major events for clients like Nissan and Epic Games.
Students who earn a Digital Marketing degree can work in a variety of jobs, including:
The Department of Marketing offers the Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A.) degree with a major in general Marketing or the option of a concentration in Digital Marketing or Professional Selling.
For complete curriculum details, click on the REQUIREMENTS button to the right.
The curriculum map for all marketing majors includes a built-in minor in Business Administration. (An alternate business minor may be chosen, but it may require total hours for graduation to exceed 120).

Marketing, Digital Marketing Concentration, B.B.A.

Michael Peasley, program coordinator

A major in Marketing with a concentration in Digital Marketing offers preparation for students interested in digital marketing analytics, social media, or website design careers to gain the necessary marketing skills they need to be successful.

The program below includes a Business Administration minor. An alternate business minor may be chosen, but it may require total hours for graduation to exceed 120.

Academic Map

Following is a printable, suggested four-year schedule of courses:

Marketing, Digital Marketing Concentration, B.B.A., Academic Map  

Degree Requirements

General Education 41 hours
College of Business Core 39 hours* **
Major Requirements 27 hours
Auxiliary Courses 9 hours*
Business Elective 3 hours
Electives 1-7 hours
TOTAL 120 hours

*This program requires courses that can also fulfill requirements of the General Education curriculum. If program requirements are also used to fulfill General Education requirements, the number of elective hours will increase.

**Includes MKT 4890 which also satisfies 3 credit hours in the major.

General Education (41 hours)

General Education  requirements (shown in curricular listings below) include courses in Communication, History, Humanities and/or Fine Arts, Mathematics, Natural Sciences, and Social/Behavioral Sciences.

The following courses required by the program meet General Education requirements:

College of Business Core (39 hours)

All students must complete the College of Business Core which requires 39 hours with a 2.000 GPA.

Major Requirements (27 hours)

Marketing Core (9 hours)

  • MKT 3910 – Consumer Behavior

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisites: MKT 3820; admission into the College of Business; junior standing. Buyer behavior as an influence in marketing decisions; special attention given to the processes of motivation, perception, attitude, learning, and interaction.

  • MKT 3930 – Marketing Research

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisites: MKT 3820; BIA 2610 or MATH 1530 or permission of instructor; junior standing and admission into the College of Business. Modern research methods and their application in gathering information for marketing decisions. Special emphasis given to the implementation of marketing surveys and qualitative research techniques.

  • MKT 4890 – Marketing Management

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisites: Senior standing; Marketing major; MKT 3010 and MKT 3930; 6 additional semester hours of marketing courses; admission into the College of Business. Marketing strategy, marketing policies, production planning, pricing, promotion, and service from the marketing manager’s point of view. Case analysis and marketing simulation emphasized.

Digital Marketing Concentration (18 hours)

  • MKT 3825 – Marketing Analytics

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisite: MKT 3820; junior standing; admission to the College of Business. A survey of the metrics most commonly used to measure marketing performance with special emphasis given to marketing mix metrics, market share metrics, and customer lifetime value.

  • MKT 3850 – Digital Marketing and Promotion

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisites: MKT 3820; admission to the College of Business; junior standing. Psychological, sociological, legal, and marketing environments of promotion; the promotion mix consisting of advertising, publicity, personal selling, and sales promotion; and the development of promotion objectives, strategies, and plans.

  • MKT 3900 – Social Media Marketing

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisites: MKT 3820; admission into the College of Business; junior standing. Discover how to leverage the power of social media to impact an organization at various levels. Focuses on crafting quality content to execute a successful marketing strategy. Gain real-world experience in identifying an audience, content development, increasing user engagement, follower acquisition, social media advertising, influencer marketing, social media analytics, and measuring the return on investment (ROI). 

  • MKT 4170 – Advanced Digital Marketing

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisites: MKT 3850; admission into the College of Business. Integrative nature of the elements of the promotional mix in the successful communication with the consumer of a firm’s products and services.

Choose 6 hours from the following:

  • MKT 3830 – Retailing and E-Commerce

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisites: MKT 3820; admission into the College of Business; junior standing. Provides an overview of the strategies involved in retailing. Covers critical retail determinants that consist of management of merchandise assortments, merchandise planning systems, buying strategies, pricing strategies, financial strategies, technological strategies, and store management. Special emphasis provided to digital and omnichannel retailing strategies. Consumer issues explored including customer buyer behavior, customer service requirements, and the retail communications mix.

  • MKT 3840 – Professional Selling

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisites: MKT 3820; admission to the College of Business; junior standing. Principles, problems, and role of personal selling in the business environment. Buying motives, persuasion techniques, and steps of selling process are considered as they relate to different types of sales activities and products.

  • MKT 3855 – Product Management

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisites: MKT 3820; MATH 1530 or PSY 3020 or BIA 2610; admission into the College of Business; junior standing. Issues pertaining to marketing of products. Examines topics of interest to product managers including product life cycle, sales forecasting, new products, product positioning, and brand management.

  • MKT 3865 – Sports Marketing  3 credit hours  

    MKT 3865 – Sports Marketing

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisites: MKT 3820 or LSTS 3010; admission into the College of Business; junior standing. Survey of issues pertaining to the marketing of sports products and entities. Focuses on the application of strategic marketing planning to the sports industry.

  • MKT 4510 – International Marketing

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisite: MKT 3820; admission to the Jones College of Business; junior standing. Helps students understand and assess global market opportunities, development of market strategies in the international marketplace, and techniques of entering the international market. Examines cultural, social, economic, political, legal, and geographic elements. Particular focus on the role of the marketing mix elements in an international application.

  • MKT 4870 – Services Marketing

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisites: MKT 3820; admission into the College of Business; junior standing. The role and scope of marketing in service entities, including impact, issues, and domestic and global trends.

  • MKT 4950 – Marketing Internship  1 to 3 credit hours  

    MKT 4950 – Marketing Internship

    1 to 3 credit hours

    Prerequisites: Marketing or Entrepreneurship major; senior standing; an overall grade point average of 2.50; admission into the College of Business. Student is affiliated with an organization on a part-time basis to develop knowledge and experience in the practical application of marketing principles to actual business problems in a non-classroom situation. Can be applied toward the student’s degree requirements only upon approval of the department chair. This course can only be taken one time.

  • INFS 2400 – Web Development  3 credit hours  

    INFS 2400 – Web Development

    3 credit hours

    Web development using HTML, XHTML, CSS, JavaScript, and multimedia Web content. Covers planning, design, development, and publishing of a Web site.


  • MKT 3920 – Entertainment Marketing  3 credit hours  

    OROR  dotslash:OR title:OR 


    MKT 3920 – Entertainment Marketing

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisites: MKT 3820; admission to College of Business; junior standing. Discussion of interrelated marketing issues dealing with the entertainment industry. Develops and relates the marketing mix for industry issues with regard to personality management, merchandising tie-ins, sports marketing/issues, and film/television distribution.

  • MKT 4640 – Entertainment Branding

    3 credit hours

    (Same as RIM 4640.) Prerequisites: MKT 3820 or permission of instructor; admission to the College of Business. Provides students with an in-depth understanding of the role and importance of branding in the entertainment industry including the development of branding objectives consistent with both produce and overall marketing objectives. Students will learn how to align a brand with consumers and partners which will be demonstrated through the development of marketing plan relating to an approved entertainment product of their choosing.

Auxiliary Courses (9 hours)

  • BCED 3510 – Business Communication

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisite: Junior standing. (Keyboarding skills helpful.) A review of the theory and processes in oral and written business communication. Emphasis on the extensive functions of written and electronic communications.

  • MKT 3010 – Professional Preparation in Marketing

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisite: Admission to the Jones College of Business; junior standing. Open to Marketing majors. Facilitates the transition from college to career. Includes ideas for resume content development while still in college and enhances the student’s personal marketing skills in the job search. Presented from a marketing perspective, focusing on personal marketing skills for the professional environment.


  • MATH 1630 – College Mathematics for Managerial, Social, and Life Sciences  3 credit hours  

    (may be counted)(may be counted in General Education) OR  dotslash:(may be counted in General Education) OR title:(may be counted) 

    (may be counted in General Education) OR 

    MATH 1630 – College Mathematics for Managerial, Social, and Life Sciences

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisites: Two years of high school algebra and a Math Enhanced ACT greater than 25 or MATH 1710. Topics include solving systems of linear equations, Leontief models, linear programming, mathematics of finance, set theory, and probability theory. [TBR Common Course: MATH 1630]

  • MATH 1810 – Applied Calculus I  3 credit hours  

    (may be counted)(may be counted in General Education)  dotslash:(may be counted in General Education) title:(may be counted) 

    (may be counted in General Education) 

    MATH 1810 – Applied Calculus I

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisite: MATH Enhanced ACT 19 or greater or MATH 1710. Introduces mathematical modeling applied to real-world problems. Sets, functions, inverse models, limits, continuity, first and second order model building, single variable differentiation, implicit differentiation, inverse problems (exponential and log models). First and second derivatives used to study the behavior of real-world applications.

Business Elective (3 hours)

Electives (1-7 hours)

Curriculum: Marketing, Digital Marketing

Curricular listings include General Education requirements in Communication, History, Humanities and/or Fine Arts, Mathematics, Natural Sciences, and Social/Behavioral Sciences categories.

Freshman Fall

  • ENGL 1010 – Expository Writing  3 credit hours  

    (Comm)(Comm)  dotslash:(Comm) title:(Comm) 


    ENGL 1010 – Expository Writing

    3 credit hours

    The first General Education English course. Emphasis on learning to adapt composing processes to a variety of expository and analytic writing assignments. Minimum grade of C- required to meet degree requirements.

  • ECON 2410 – Principles of Economics, Macroeconomics  3 credit hours  

    Soc/Beh Sci(Soc/Beh Sci)*  dotslash:(Soc/Beh Sci)* title:Soc/Beh Sci 

    (Soc/Beh Sci)* 

    ECON 2410 – Principles of Economics, Macroeconomics

    3 credit hours

    As an aid to understanding modern economic society: economic concepts of national income and its fluctuations, inflation, unemployment, role of the banking system, monetary and fiscal policies, and international topics.

  • Natural Sciences 4 credit hours
  • Elective 1 credit hour


  • MATH 1630 – College Mathematics for Managerial, Social, and Life Sciences  3 credit hours  

    (Math) OR(Math) OR  dotslash:(Math) OR title:(Math) OR 

    (Math) OR 

    MATH 1630 – College Mathematics for Managerial, Social, and Life Sciences

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisites: Two years of high school algebra and a Math Enhanced ACT greater than 25 or MATH 1710. Topics include solving systems of linear equations, Leontief models, linear programming, mathematics of finance, set theory, and probability theory. [TBR Common Course: MATH 1630]

  • MATH 1810 – Applied Calculus I  3 credit hours  

    (Math) OR(Math)  dotslash:(Math) title:(Math) OR 


    MATH 1810 – Applied Calculus I

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisite: MATH Enhanced ACT 19 or greater or MATH 1710. Introduces mathematical modeling applied to real-world problems. Sets, functions, inverse models, limits, continuity, first and second order model building, single variable differentiation, implicit differentiation, inverse problems (exponential and log models). First and second derivatives used to study the behavior of real-world applications.

Subtotal: 14 Hours

Freshman Spring

  • ENGL 1020 – Research and Argumentative Writing  3 credit hours  

    (Comm)(Comm)  dotslash:(Comm) title:(Comm) 


    ENGL 1020 – Research and Argumentative Writing

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisite: ENGL 1010. The second General Education English course. Emphasis on analytic and argumentative writing and on locating, organizing, and using library resource materials in the writing. Minimum grade of C- required to meet degree requirements.

  • COMM 2200 – Fundamentals of Communication  3 credit hours  

    (Comm)(Comm)  dotslash:(Comm) title:(Comm) 


    COMM 2200 – Fundamentals of Communication

    3 credit hours

    Introduces principles and processes of effective public oral communication including researching, critical thinking, organizing, presenting, listening, and using appropriate language. Counts as part of the General Education Communication requirement. TBR Common Course: COMM 2025

  • ECON 2420 – Principles of Economics, Microeconomics  3 credit hours  

    **  dotslash:* title:* 

    ECON 2420 – Principles of Economics, Microeconomics

    3 credit hours

    As an aid to understanding modern economic society: economic concepts of consumer and firm behavior; the pricing of goods, services, and productive factors; international topics; and an overview of the American economy.

  • Elective 3 credit hours
  • Natural Sciences 4 credit hours

Subtotal: 16 Hours

Sophomore Fall

  • ACTG 2110 – Principles of Accounting I  3 credit hours  

    **  dotslash:* title:* 

    ACTG 2110 – Principles of Accounting I

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisites: A college-level math course; ENGL 1010; sophomore standing. Financial accounting for proprietorships with emphasis on the accounting cycle for service and merchandising organizations. Additional topics include accounting for receivables; inventories; property, plant, and equipment; and current liabilities. (Not open to students with credit in ACTG 3000.) [Same as TBR Community Colleges ACCT 1010.]

  • BIA 2610 – Statistical Methods  3 credit hours  

    **  dotslash:* title:* 

    BIA 2610 – Statistical Methods

    3 credit hours

    The application of collecting, summarizing, and analyzing data to make business decisions. Topics include measures of central tendency, variation, probability theory, point and interval estimation, correlation and regression. Computer applications emphasized.

  • Humanities and/or Fine Arts 3 credit hours


  • ENGL 2020 – Themes in Literature and Culture  3 credit hours  

    (Hum/FA) OR(Hum/FA) OR  dotslash:(Hum/FA) OR title:(Hum/FA) OR 

    (Hum/FA) OR 

    ENGL 2020 – Themes in Literature and Culture

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisites: ENGL 1010 and ENGL 1020. Traces a specific theme or idea through a number of literary texts that reflect different historical and cultural contexts. Subject will vary.

  • ENGL 2030 – The Experience of Literature  3 credit hours  

    (Hum/FA) OR(Hum/FA) OR  dotslash:(Hum/FA) OR title:(Hum/FA) OR 

    (Hum/FA) OR 

    ENGL 2030 – The Experience of Literature

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisites: ENGL 1010 and ENGL 1020. The reading of a variety of literary types which illuminate themes and experiences common to human existence.

  • HUM 2610 – World Literatures  3 credit hours  

    (Hum/FA) OR(Hum/FA)  dotslash:(Hum/FA) title:(Hum/FA) OR 


    HUM 2610 – World Literatures

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisites: ENGL 1010 and ENGL 1020. Representative works of French, German, and Hispanic authors in English translation. No foreign-language proficiency required. Carries General Education credit.


  • HIST 2010 – Survey of United States History I  3 credit hours  

    OROR  dotslash:OR title:OR 


    HIST 2010 – Survey of United States History I

    3 credit hours

    Survey of the political, economic, social, cultural, and diplomatic phases of American life in its regional, national, and international aspects. Discusses the era from the beginning to 1877. May be used to satisfy one part of the General Education History requirement. HIST 2010 is NOT a prerequisite for HIST 2020. TBR Common Course: HIST 2010

  • HIST 2020 – Survey of United States History II  3 credit hours  

    OROR  dotslash:OR title:OR 


    HIST 2020 – Survey of United States History II

    3 credit hours

    Survey of the political, economic, social, cultural, and diplomatic phases of American life in its regional, national, and international aspects. Discusses the era from 1877 to the present. May be used to satisfy one part of the the General Education History requirement. HIST 2010 is NOT a prerequisite for HIST 2020. TBR Common Course: HIST 2020

  • HIST 2030 – Tennessee History  3 credit hours  

    OROR  dotslash:OR title:OR 


    HIST 2030 – Tennessee History

    3 credit hours

    The role of the state in the development of the nation. May be used to satisfy one part of the General Education History requirement. TBR Common Course: HIST 2030

  • HIST 2040 – Survey African American History I  3 credit hours  

    OROR  dotslash:OR title:OR 


    HIST 2040 – Survey African American History I

    3 credit hours

    The role of African Americans in establishing and shaping the American nation. Covers their historical development and contributions to American art, music, literature, and religion. May be used to satisfy one part of the General Education History requirement.

    NOTE: HIST 2040 is not a prerequisite for HIST 2050.

  • HIST 2050 – Survey African American History II

    3 credit hours

    The role of African Americans in shaping the American nation and creating a twentieth-century racial identity. Covers their historical development and examines their contributions to American art, music, literature, and religion. May be used to satisfy one part of the General Education History requirement.

Subtotal: 15 Hours

Sophomore Spring

  • ACTG 2120 – Principles of Accounting II

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisite: ACTG 2110. NOTE: Students majoring in accounting or considering an accounting major/minor should take ACTG 2125. A continuation of financial accounting concepts with emphasis on debt and equity structures, the statement of cash flows, and ratio analysis. Managerial accounting topics include job, standard- and activity-based costing, cost/volume/profit (CVP) analysis, and budgeting. (Not open to students with credit in ACTG 2125 or ACTG 3000.) [Same as TBR Community Colleges ACCT 1020.]

  • Humanities and/or Fine Arts 3 credit hours
  • Social/Behavioral Sciences 3 credit hours
  • Elective 3 credit hours


  • HIST 2010 – Survey of United States History I  3 credit hours  

    OROR  dotslash:OR title:OR 


    HIST 2010 – Survey of United States History I

    3 credit hours

    Survey of the political, economic, social, cultural, and diplomatic phases of American life in its regional, national, and international aspects. Discusses the era from the beginning to 1877. May be used to satisfy one part of the General Education History requirement. HIST 2010 is NOT a prerequisite for HIST 2020. TBR Common Course: HIST 2010

  • HIST 2020 – Survey of United States History II  3 credit hours  

    OROR  dotslash:OR title:OR 


    HIST 2020 – Survey of United States History II

    3 credit hours

    Survey of the political, economic, social, cultural, and diplomatic phases of American life in its regional, national, and international aspects. Discusses the era from 1877 to the present. May be used to satisfy one part of the the General Education History requirement. HIST 2010 is NOT a prerequisite for HIST 2020. TBR Common Course: HIST 2020

  • HIST 2030 – Tennessee History  3 credit hours  

    OROR  dotslash:OR title:OR 


    HIST 2030 – Tennessee History

    3 credit hours

    The role of the state in the development of the nation. May be used to satisfy one part of the General Education History requirement. TBR Common Course: HIST 2030

  • HIST 2040 – Survey African American History I  3 credit hours  

    OROR  dotslash:OR title:OR 


    HIST 2040 – Survey African American History I

    3 credit hours

    The role of African Americans in establishing and shaping the American nation. Covers their historical development and contributions to American art, music, literature, and religion. May be used to satisfy one part of the General Education History requirement.

    NOTE: HIST 2040 is not a prerequisite for HIST 2050.

  • HIST 2050 – Survey African American History II

    3 credit hours

    The role of African Americans in shaping the American nation and creating a twentieth-century racial identity. Covers their historical development and examines their contributions to American art, music, literature, and religion. May be used to satisfy one part of the General Education History requirement.

Subtotal: 15 Hours

Junior Fall

  • BIA 3620 – Introduction to Business Analytics

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisites: BIA 2610 or MATH 1530, junior standing. Introduces the concepts and application of data analytics in business. Spreadsheet software and associated analytic tools utilized to visualize, model, and analyze business data using a hands-on-approach.

  • BLAW 3400 – Legal Environment of Business

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisite: Junior standing. Legal rights and potential liabilities of business persons. Presentation of the dynamic nature of law in responding to the changing social, ethical, political, regulatory, and international environment. Includes the development and nature of the legal system; business crimes; the law of torts and product liability; constitutional limitations on regulatory powers; legislative, judicial, and administrative control of business activity through the laws of business organizations, securities regulations, antitrust laws, employment laws, labor and safety laws, and consumer protection.

  • MGMT 3610 – Principles of Management

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisite: Junior standing. Concepts of the management functions of planning, organizing, and controlling with an emphasis on behavioral science concepts as applied to managing people in organizations.

  • MKT 3010 – Professional Preparation in Marketing  3 credit hours  

    §§  dotslash:§ title:§ 


    MKT 3010 – Professional Preparation in Marketing

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisite: Admission to the Jones College of Business; junior standing. Open to Marketing majors. Facilitates the transition from college to career. Includes ideas for resume content development while still in college and enhances the student’s personal marketing skills in the job search. Presented from a marketing perspective, focusing on personal marketing skills for the professional environment.

  • MKT 3820 – Principles of Marketing

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisite: Junior standing. Survey of the functions, processes, and institutions involved in the distribution of consumer and industrial goods and services. Decision making in marketing management introduced.

Subtotal: 15 Hours

Junior Spring

  • INFS 3100 – Principles of Management Information Systems

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisite: Junior standing. Focuses on information systems within organizations. Addresses how information technology (IT) supports business operations and management. Topics include strategic uses of IT, business intelligence, databases, decision support, artificial intelligence, e-business, systems development, IT infrastructure, security emerging trends and inherent social, ethical, and legal considerations. Excel spreadsheet design and data analysis for decision making key components.

  • BUS 3000 – The Dale Carnegie Course

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisites: Junior standing and major in the Jones College of Business. Uses the proven content and design of The Dale Carnegie Course(R), which includes lecture, in-class activities, reflective exercises, and interactive experiences. Helps students develop self confidence and leadership ability; strengthen ability to relate to and to motivate others; enhance ability to communicate effectively, reduce stress, and present a positive attitude. A Dale Carnegie(R) certificate of completion is a requirement for earning a passing grade (D- or better [0.67 or higher]). May not be audited. Must be taken for a grade.

  • FIN 3010 – Principles of Corporate Finance

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisite: Junior standing. Theory of corporate finance, emphasizing wealth creation, valuation, risk, capital budgeting, and cost of capital.

  • MKT 3850 – Digital Marketing and Promotion  3 credit hours  

    §§  dotslash:§ title:§ 


    MKT 3850 – Digital Marketing and Promotion

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisites: MKT 3820; admission to the College of Business; junior standing. Psychological, sociological, legal, and marketing environments of promotion; the promotion mix consisting of advertising, publicity, personal selling, and sales promotion; and the development of promotion objectives, strategies, and plans.

  • MKT 3930 – Marketing Research  3 credit hours  

    §§  dotslash:§ title:§ 


    MKT 3930 – Marketing Research

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisites: MKT 3820; BIA 2610 or MATH 1530 or permission of instructor; junior standing and admission into the College of Business. Modern research methods and their application in gathering information for marketing decisions. Special emphasis given to the implementation of marketing surveys and qualitative research techniques.

Subtotal: 15 Hours

Senior Fall

  • BCED 3510 – Business Communication

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisite: Junior standing. (Keyboarding skills helpful.) A review of the theory and processes in oral and written business communication. Emphasis on the extensive functions of written and electronic communications.

  • Business elective 3 credit hours
  • MKT 4170 – Advanced Digital Marketing  3 credit hours  

    §§  dotslash:§ title:§ 


    MKT 4170 – Advanced Digital Marketing

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisites: MKT 3850; admission into the College of Business. Integrative nature of the elements of the promotional mix in the successful communication with the consumer of a firm’s products and services.

  • MKT 4890 – Marketing Management  3 credit hours  

    §§  dotslash:§ title:§ 


    MKT 4890 – Marketing Management

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisites: Senior standing; Marketing major; MKT 3010 and MKT 3930; 6 additional semester hours of marketing courses; admission into the College of Business. Marketing strategy, marketing policies, production planning, pricing, promotion, and service from the marketing manager’s point of view. Case analysis and marketing simulation emphasized.


  • MKT 3830 – Retailing and E-Commerce  3 credit hours  

    § OR§ OR  dotslash:§ OR title:§ OR 

    § OR 

    MKT 3830 – Retailing and E-Commerce

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisites: MKT 3820; admission into the College of Business; junior standing. Provides an overview of the strategies involved in retailing. Covers critical retail determinants that consist of management of merchandise assortments, merchandise planning systems, buying strategies, pricing strategies, financial strategies, technological strategies, and store management. Special emphasis provided to digital and omnichannel retailing strategies. Consumer issues explored including customer buyer behavior, customer service requirements, and the retail communications mix.

  • MKT 3840 – Professional Selling  3 credit hours  

    § OR§ OR  dotslash:§ OR title:§ OR 

    § OR 

    MKT 3840 – Professional Selling

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisites: MKT 3820; admission to the College of Business; junior standing. Principles, problems, and role of personal selling in the business environment. Buying motives, persuasion techniques, and steps of selling process are considered as they relate to different types of sales activities and products.

  • MKT 3865 – Sports Marketing  3 credit hours  

    § OR§ OR  dotslash:§ OR title:§ OR 

    § OR 

    MKT 3865 – Sports Marketing

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisites: MKT 3820 or LSTS 3010; admission into the College of Business; junior standing. Survey of issues pertaining to the marketing of sports products and entities. Focuses on the application of strategic marketing planning to the sports industry.

  • MKT 3855 – Product Management  3 credit hours  

    § OR§ OR  dotslash:§ OR title:§ OR 

    § OR 

    MKT 3855 – Product Management

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisites: MKT 3820; MATH 1530 or PSY 3020 or BIA 2610; admission into the College of Business; junior standing. Issues pertaining to marketing of products. Examines topics of interest to product managers including product life cycle, sales forecasting, new products, product positioning, and brand management.

  • MKT 4510 – International Marketing  3 credit hours  

    § OR§ OR  dotslash:§ OR title:§ OR 

    § OR 

    MKT 4510 – International Marketing

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisite: MKT 3820; admission to the Jones College of Business; junior standing. Helps students understand and assess global market opportunities, development of market strategies in the international marketplace, and techniques of entering the international market. Examines cultural, social, economic, political, legal, and geographic elements. Particular focus on the role of the marketing mix elements in an international application.

  • MKT 4870 – Services Marketing  3 credit hours  

    § OR§ OR  dotslash:§ OR title:§ OR 

    § OR 

    MKT 4870 – Services Marketing

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisites: MKT 3820; admission into the College of Business; junior standing. The role and scope of marketing in service entities, including impact, issues, and domestic and global trends.

  • MKT 4950 – Marketing Internship  1 to 3 credit hours  

    § OR§ OR  dotslash:§ OR title:§ OR 

    § OR 

    MKT 4950 – Marketing Internship

    1 to 3 credit hours

    Prerequisites: Marketing or Entrepreneurship major; senior standing; an overall grade point average of 2.50; admission into the College of Business. Student is affiliated with an organization on a part-time basis to develop knowledge and experience in the practical application of marketing principles to actual business problems in a non-classroom situation. Can be applied toward the student’s degree requirements only upon approval of the department chair. This course can only be taken one time.

  • INFS 2400 – Web Development  3 credit hours  

    INFS 2400 – Web Development

    3 credit hours

    Web development using HTML, XHTML, CSS, JavaScript, and multimedia Web content. Covers planning, design, development, and publishing of a Web site.


  • MKT 4640 – Entertainment Branding  3 credit hours  

    § OR§ OR  dotslash:§ OR title:§ OR 

    § OR 

    MKT 4640 – Entertainment Branding

    3 credit hours

    (Same as RIM 4640.) Prerequisites: MKT 3820 or permission of instructor; admission to the College of Business. Provides students with an in-depth understanding of the role and importance of branding in the entertainment industry including the development of branding objectives consistent with both produce and overall marketing objectives. Students will learn how to align a brand with consumers and partners which will be demonstrated through the development of marketing plan relating to an approved entertainment product of their choosing.

  • MKT 3920 – Entertainment Marketing  3 credit hours  

    §§  dotslash:§ title:§ 


    MKT 3920 – Entertainment Marketing

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisites: MKT 3820; admission to College of Business; junior standing. Discussion of interrelated marketing issues dealing with the entertainment industry. Develops and relates the marketing mix for industry issues with regard to personality management, merchandising tie-ins, sports marketing/issues, and film/television distribution.

Subtotal: 15 Hours

Senior Spring

  • BUAD 4980 – Strategic Management  3 credit hours  

    §§  dotslash:§ title:§ 


    BUAD 4980 – Strategic Management

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisites: Admission into the College of Business; must be taken after completion of the business requirements and in the semester in which the student graduates. Development of top management perspective with emphasis on policy and strategy formulation and evaluation through the demonstration of competence in handling multifunctional business problems. Transfer credit not allowed; must be taken in residence.

  • MKT 3825 – Marketing Analytics  3 credit hours  

    §§  dotslash:§ title:§ 


    MKT 3825 – Marketing Analytics

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisite: MKT 3820; junior standing; admission to the College of Business. A survey of the metrics most commonly used to measure marketing performance with special emphasis given to marketing mix metrics, market share metrics, and customer lifetime value.

  • MKT 3900 – Social Media Marketing  3 credit hours  

    §§  dotslash:§ title:§ 


    MKT 3900 – Social Media Marketing

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisites: MKT 3820; admission into the College of Business; junior standing. Discover how to leverage the power of social media to impact an organization at various levels. Focuses on crafting quality content to execute a successful marketing strategy. Gain real-world experience in identifying an audience, content development, increasing user engagement, follower acquisition, social media advertising, influencer marketing, social media analytics, and measuring the return on investment (ROI). 

  • MKT 3910 – Consumer Behavior  3 credit hours  

    §§  dotslash:§ title:§ 


    MKT 3910 – Consumer Behavior

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisites: MKT 3820; admission into the College of Business; junior standing. Buyer behavior as an influence in marketing decisions; special attention given to the processes of motivation, perception, attitude, learning, and interaction.


  • MKT 3830 – Retailing and E-Commerce  3 credit hours  

    § OR§ OR  dotslash:§ OR title:§ OR 

    § OR 

    MKT 3830 – Retailing and E-Commerce

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisites: MKT 3820; admission into the College of Business; junior standing. Provides an overview of the strategies involved in retailing. Covers critical retail determinants that consist of management of merchandise assortments, merchandise planning systems, buying strategies, pricing strategies, financial strategies, technological strategies, and store management. Special emphasis provided to digital and omnichannel retailing strategies. Consumer issues explored including customer buyer behavior, customer service requirements, and the retail communications mix.

  • MKT 3840 – Professional Selling  3 credit hours  

    § OR§ OR  dotslash:§ OR title:§ OR 

    § OR 

    MKT 3840 – Professional Selling

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisites: MKT 3820; admission to the College of Business; junior standing. Principles, problems, and role of personal selling in the business environment. Buying motives, persuasion techniques, and steps of selling process are considered as they relate to different types of sales activities and products.

  • MKT 3855 – Product Management  3 credit hours  

    § OR§ OR  dotslash:§ OR title:§ OR 

    § OR 

    MKT 3855 – Product Management

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisites: MKT 3820; MATH 1530 or PSY 3020 or BIA 2610; admission into the College of Business; junior standing. Issues pertaining to marketing of products. Examines topics of interest to product managers including product life cycle, sales forecasting, new products, product positioning, and brand management.

  • MKT 3865 – Sports Marketing  3 credit hours  

    § OR§ OR  dotslash:§ OR title:§ OR 

    § OR 

    MKT 3865 – Sports Marketing

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisites: MKT 3820 or LSTS 3010; admission into the College of Business; junior standing. Survey of issues pertaining to the marketing of sports products and entities. Focuses on the application of strategic marketing planning to the sports industry.

  • MKT 4510 – International Marketing  3 credit hours  

    § OR§ OR  dotslash:§ OR title:§ OR 

    § OR 

    MKT 4510 – International Marketing

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisite: MKT 3820; admission to the Jones College of Business; junior standing. Helps students understand and assess global market opportunities, development of market strategies in the international marketplace, and techniques of entering the international market. Examines cultural, social, economic, political, legal, and geographic elements. Particular focus on the role of the marketing mix elements in an international application.

  • MKT 4870 – Services Marketing  3 credit hours  

    § OR§ OR  dotslash:§ OR title:§ OR 

    § OR 

    MKT 4870 – Services Marketing

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisites: MKT 3820; admission into the College of Business; junior standing. The role and scope of marketing in service entities, including impact, issues, and domestic and global trends.

  • MKT 4950 – Marketing Internship  1 to 3 credit hours  

    § OR§ OR  dotslash:§ OR title:§ OR 

    § OR 

    MKT 4950 – Marketing Internship

    1 to 3 credit hours

    Prerequisites: Marketing or Entrepreneurship major; senior standing; an overall grade point average of 2.50; admission into the College of Business. Student is affiliated with an organization on a part-time basis to develop knowledge and experience in the practical application of marketing principles to actual business problems in a non-classroom situation. Can be applied toward the student’s degree requirements only upon approval of the department chair. This course can only be taken one time.

  • INFS 2400 – Web Development  3 credit hours  

    INFS 2400 – Web Development

    3 credit hours

    Web development using HTML, XHTML, CSS, JavaScript, and multimedia Web content. Covers planning, design, development, and publishing of a Web site.


  • MKT 4640 – Entertainment Branding  3 credit hours  

    § OR§ OR  dotslash:§ OR title:§ OR 

    § OR 

    MKT 4640 – Entertainment Branding

    3 credit hours

    (Same as RIM 4640.) Prerequisites: MKT 3820 or permission of instructor; admission to the College of Business. Provides students with an in-depth understanding of the role and importance of branding in the entertainment industry including the development of branding objectives consistent with both produce and overall marketing objectives. Students will learn how to align a brand with consumers and partners which will be demonstrated through the development of marketing plan relating to an approved entertainment product of their choosing.

  • MKT 3920 – Entertainment Marketing  3 credit hours  

    §§  dotslash:§ title:§ 


    §§  dotslash:§ title:§ 


    MKT 3920 – Entertainment Marketing

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisites: MKT 3820; admission to College of Business; junior standing. Discussion of interrelated marketing issues dealing with the entertainment industry. Develops and relates the marketing mix for industry issues with regard to personality management, merchandising tie-ins, sports marketing/issues, and film/television distribution.

Subtotal: 15 Hours


*A 2.25 GPA in these courses is required for admission to the Jones College of Business.

§Admission required

Michael Peasley, program coordinator

A major in Marketing with a concentration in Digital Marketing offers preparation for students interested in digital marketing analytics, social media, or website design careers to gain the necessary marketing skills they need to be successful.
The program below includes a Business Administration minor. An alternate business minor may be chosen, but it may require total hours for graduation to exceed 120.
Following is a printable, suggested four-year schedule of courses:
Marketing, Digital Marketing Concentration, B.B.A., Academic Map  
*This program requires courses that can also fulfill requirements of the General Education curriculum. If program requirements are also used to fulfill General Education requirements, the number of elective hours will increase.
**Includes MKT 4890 which also satisfies 3 credit hours in the major.
General Education  requirements (shown in curricular listings below) include courses in Communication, History, Humanities and/or Fine Arts, Mathematics, Natural Sciences, and Social/Behavioral Sciences.
The following courses required by the program meet General Education requirements:
All students must complete the College of Business Core which requires 39 hours with a 2.000 GPA.
3 credit hours
Prerequisites: MKT 3820; admission into the College of Business; junior standing. Buyer behavior as an influence in marketing decisions; special attention given to the processes of motivation, perception, attitude, learning, and interaction.
3 credit hours
Prerequisites: MKT 3820; BIA 2610 or MATH 1530 or permission of instructor; junior standing and admission into the College of Business. Modern research methods and their application in gathering information for marketing decisions. Special emphasis given to the implementation of marketing surveys and qualitative research techniques.
3 credit hours
Prerequisites: Senior standing; Marketing major; MKT 3010 and MKT 3930; 6 additional semester hours of marketing courses; admission into the College of Business. Marketing strategy, marketing policies, production planning, pricing, promotion, and service from the marketing manager’s point of view. Case analysis and marketing simulation emphasized.
3 credit hours
Prerequisite: MKT 3820; junior standing; admission to the College of Business. A survey of the metrics most commonly used to measure marketing performance with special emphasis given to marketing mix metrics, market share metrics, and customer lifetime value.
3 credit hours
Prerequisites: MKT 3820; admission to the College of Business; junior standing. Psychological, sociological, legal, and marketing environments of promotion; the promotion mix consisting of advertising, publicity, personal selling, and sales promotion; and the development of promotion objectives, strategies, and plans.
3 credit hours
Prerequisites: MKT 3820; admission into the College of Business; junior standing. Discover how to leverage the power of social media to impact an organization at various levels. Focuses on crafting quality content to execute a successful marketing strategy. Gain real-world experience in identifying an audience, content development, increasing user engagement, follower acquisition, social media advertising, influencer marketing, social media analytics, and measuring the return on investment (ROI). 
3 credit hours
Prerequisites: MKT 3850; admission into the College of Business. Integrative nature of the elements of the promotional mix in the successful communication with the consumer of a firm’s products and services.
3 credit hours
Prerequisites: MKT 3820; admission into the College of Business; junior standing. Provides an overview of the strategies involved in retailing. Covers critical retail determinants that consist of management of merchandise assortments, merchandise planning systems, buying strategies, pricing strategies, financial strategies, technological strategies, and store management. Special emphasis provided to digital and omnichannel retailing strategies. Consumer issues explored including customer buyer behavior, customer service requirements, and the retail communications mix.
3 credit hours
Prerequisites: MKT 3820; admission to the College of Business; junior standing. Principles, problems, and role of personal selling in the business environment. Buying motives, persuasion techniques, and steps of selling process are considered as they relate to different types of sales activities and products.
3 credit hours
Prerequisites: MKT 3820; MATH 1530 or PSY 3020 or BIA 2610; admission into the College of Business; junior standing. Issues pertaining to marketing of products. Examines topics of interest to product managers including product life cycle, sales forecasting, new products, product positioning, and brand management.
3 credit hours
Prerequisites: MKT 3820 or LSTS 3010; admission into the College of Business; junior standing. Survey of issues pertaining to the marketing of sports products and entities. Focuses on the application of strategic marketing planning to the sports industry.
3 credit hours
Prerequisite: MKT 3820; admission to the Jones College of Business; junior standing. Helps students understand and assess global market opportunities, development of market strategies in the international marketplace, and techniques of entering the international market. Examines cultural, social, economic, political, legal, and geographic elements. Particular focus on the role of the marketing mix elements in an international application.
3 credit hours
Prerequisites: MKT 3820; admission into the College of Business; junior standing. The role and scope of marketing in service entities, including impact, issues, and domestic and global trends.
1 to 3 credit hours
Prerequisites: Marketing or Entrepreneurship major; senior standing; an overall grade point average of 2.50; admission into the College of Business. Student is affiliated with an organization on a part-time basis to develop knowledge and experience in the practical application of marketing principles to actual business problems in a non-classroom situation. Can be applied toward the student’s degree requirements only upon approval of the department chair. This course can only be taken one time.
3 credit hours
Web development using HTML, XHTML, CSS, JavaScript, and multimedia Web content. Covers planning, design, development, and publishing of a Web site.
3 credit hours
Prerequisites: MKT 3820; admission to College of Business; junior standing. Discussion of interrelated marketing issues dealing with the entertainment industry. Develops and relates the marketing mix for industry issues with regard to personality management, merchandising tie-ins, sports marketing/issues, and film/television distribution.
3 credit hours
(Same as RIM 4640.) Prerequisites: MKT 3820 or permission of instructor; admission to the College of Business. Provides students with an in-depth understanding of the role and importance of branding in the entertainment industry including the development of branding objectives consistent with both produce and overall marketing objectives. Students will learn how to align a brand with consumers and partners which will be demonstrated through the development of marketing plan relating to an approved entertainment product of their choosing.
3 credit hours
Prerequisite: Junior standing. (Keyboarding skills helpful.) A review of the theory and processes in oral and written business communication. Emphasis on the extensive functions of written and electronic communications.
3 credit hours
Prerequisite: Admission to the Jones College of Business; junior standing. Open to Marketing majors. Facilitates the transition from college to career. Includes ideas for resume content development while still in college and enhances the student’s personal marketing skills in the job search. Presented from a marketing perspective, focusing on personal marketing skills for the professional environment.
3 credit hours
Prerequisites: Two years of high school algebra and a Math Enhanced ACT greater than 25 or MATH 1710. Topics include solving systems of linear equations, Leontief models, linear programming, mathematics of finance, set theory, and probability theory. [TBR Common Course: MATH 1630]
3 credit hours
Prerequisite: MATH Enhanced ACT 19 or greater or MATH 1710. Introduces mathematical modeling applied to real-world problems. Sets, functions, inverse models, limits, continuity, first and second order model building, single variable differentiation, implicit differentiation, inverse problems (exponential and log models). First and second derivatives used to study the behavior of real-world applications.
Curricular listings include General Education requirements in Communication, History, Humanities and/or Fine Arts, Mathematics, Natural Sciences, and Social/Behavioral Sciences categories.
3 credit hours
The first General Education English course. Emphasis on learning to adapt composing processes to a variety of expository and analytic writing assignments. Minimum grade of C- required to meet degree requirements.
3 credit hours
As an aid to understanding modern economic society: economic concepts of national income and its fluctuations, inflation, unemployment, role of the banking system, monetary and fiscal policies, and international topics.
3 credit hours
Prerequisites: Two years of high school algebra and a Math Enhanced ACT greater than 25 or MATH 1710. Topics include solving systems of linear equations, Leontief models, linear programming, mathematics of finance, set theory, and probability theory. [TBR Common Course: MATH 1630]
3 credit hours
Prerequisite: MATH Enhanced ACT 19 or greater or MATH 1710. Introduces mathematical modeling applied to real-world problems. Sets, functions, inverse models, limits, continuity, first and second order model building, single variable differentiation, implicit differentiation, inverse problems (exponential and log models). First and second derivatives used to study the behavior of real-world applications.
3 credit hours
Prerequisite: ENGL 1010. The second General Education English course. Emphasis on analytic and argumentative writing and on locating, organizing, and using library resource materials in the writing. Minimum grade of C- required to meet degree requirements.
3 credit hours
Introduces principles and processes of effective public oral communication including researching, critical thinking, organizing, presenting, listening, and using appropriate language. Counts as part of the General Education Communication requirement. TBR Common Course: COMM 2025
3 credit hours
As an aid to understanding modern economic society: economic concepts of consumer and firm behavior; the pricing of goods, services, and productive factors; international topics; and an overview of the American economy.
3 credit hours
Prerequisites: A college-level math course; ENGL 1010; sophomore standing. Financial accounting for proprietorships with emphasis on the accounting cycle for service and merchandising organizations. Additional topics include accounting for receivables; inventories; property, plant, and equipment; and current liabilities. (Not open to students with credit in ACTG 3000.) [Same as TBR Community Colleges ACCT 1010.]
3 credit hours
The application of collecting, summarizing, and analyzing data to make business decisions. Topics include measures of central tendency, variation, probability theory, point and interval estimation, correlation and regression. Computer applications emphasized.
3 credit hours
Prerequisites: ENGL 1010 and ENGL 1020. Traces a specific theme or idea through a number of literary texts that reflect different historical and cultural contexts. Subject will vary.
3 credit hours
Prerequisites: ENGL 1010 and ENGL 1020. The reading of a variety of literary types which illuminate themes and experiences common to human existence.
3 credit hours
Prerequisites: ENGL 1010 and ENGL 1020. Representative works of French, German, and Hispanic authors in English translation. No foreign-language proficiency required. Carries General Education credit.
3 credit hours
Survey of the political, economic, social, cultural, and diplomatic phases of American life in its regional, national, and international aspects. Discusses the era from the beginning to 1877. May be used to satisfy one part of the General Education History requirement. HIST 2010 is NOT a prerequisite for HIST 2020. TBR Common Course: HIST 2010
3 credit hours
Survey of the political, economic, social, cultural, and diplomatic phases of American life in its regional, national, and international aspects. Discusses the era from 1877 to the present. May be used to satisfy one part of the the General Education History requirement. HIST 2010 is NOT a prerequisite for HIST 2020. TBR Common Course: HIST 2020
3 credit hours
The role of the state in the development of the nation. May be used to satisfy one part of the General Education History requirement. TBR Common Course: HIST 2030
3 credit hours
The role of African Americans in establishing and shaping the American nation. Covers their historical development and contributions to American art, music, literature, and religion. May be used to satisfy one part of the General Education History requirement.
NOTE: HIST 2040 is not a prerequisite for HIST 2050.
3 credit hours
The role of African Americans in shaping the American nation and creating a twentieth-century racial identity. Covers their historical development and examines their contributions to American art, music, literature, and religion. May be used to satisfy one part of the General Education History requirement.
3 credit hours
Prerequisite: ACTG 2110. NOTE: Students majoring in accounting or considering an accounting major/minor should take ACTG 2125. A continuation of financial accounting concepts with emphasis on debt and equity structures, the statement of cash flows, and ratio analysis. Managerial accounting topics include job, standard- and activity-based costing, cost/volume/profit (CVP) analysis, and budgeting. (Not open to students with credit in ACTG 2125 or ACTG 3000.) [Same as TBR Community Colleges ACCT 1020.]
3 credit hours
Survey of the political, economic, social, cultural, and diplomatic phases of American life in its regional, national, and international aspects. Discusses the era from the beginning to 1877. May be used to satisfy one part of the General Education History requirement. HIST 2010 is NOT a prerequisite for HIST 2020. TBR Common Course: HIST 2010
3 credit hours
Survey of the political, economic, social, cultural, and diplomatic phases of American life in its regional, national, and international aspects. Discusses the era from 1877 to the present. May be used to satisfy one part of the the General Education History requirement. HIST 2010 is NOT a prerequisite for HIST 2020. TBR Common Course: HIST 2020
3 credit hours
The role of the state in the development of the nation. May be used to satisfy one part of the General Education History requirement. TBR Common Course: HIST 2030
3 credit hours
The role of African Americans in establishing and shaping the American nation. Covers their historical development and contributions to American art, music, literature, and religion. May be used to satisfy one part of the General Education History requirement.
NOTE: HIST 2040 is not a prerequisite for HIST 2050.
3 credit hours
The role of African Americans in shaping the American nation and creating a twentieth-century racial identity. Covers their historical development and examines their contributions to American art, music, literature, and religion. May be used to satisfy one part of the General Education History requirement.
3 credit hours
Prerequisites: BIA 2610 or MATH 1530, junior standing. Introduces the concepts and application of data analytics in business. Spreadsheet software and associated analytic tools utilized to visualize, model, and analyze business data using a hands-on-approach.
3 credit hours
Prerequisite: Junior standing. Legal rights and potential liabilities of business persons. Presentation of the dynamic nature of law in responding to the changing social, ethical, political, regulatory, and international environment. Includes the development and nature of the legal system; business crimes; the law of torts and product liability; constitutional limitations on regulatory powers; legislative, judicial, and administrative control of business activity through the laws of business organizations, securities regulations, antitrust laws, employment laws, labor and safety laws, and consumer protection.
3 credit hours
Prerequisite: Junior standing. Concepts of the management functions of planning, organizing, and controlling with an emphasis on behavioral science concepts as applied to managing people in organizations.
3 credit hours
Prerequisite: Admission to the Jones College of Business; junior standing. Open to Marketing majors. Facilitates the transition from college to career. Includes ideas for resume content development while still in college and enhances the student’s personal marketing skills in the job search. Presented from a marketing perspective, focusing on personal marketing skills for the professional environment.
3 credit hours
Prerequisite: Junior standing. Survey of the functions, processes, and institutions involved in the distribution of consumer and industrial goods and services. Decision making in marketing management introduced.
3 credit hours
Prerequisite: Junior standing. Focuses on information systems within organizations. Addresses how information technology (IT) supports business operations and management. Topics include strategic uses of IT, business intelligence, databases, decision support, artificial intelligence, e-business, systems development, IT infrastructure, security emerging trends and inherent social, ethical, and legal considerations. Excel spreadsheet design and data analysis for decision making key components.
3 credit hours
Prerequisites: Junior standing and major in the Jones College of Business. Uses the proven content and design of The Dale Carnegie Course(R), which includes lecture, in-class activities, reflective exercises, and interactive experiences. Helps students develop self confidence and leadership ability; strengthen ability to relate to and to motivate others; enhance ability to communicate effectively, reduce stress, and present a positive attitude. A Dale Carnegie(R) certificate of completion is a requirement for earning a passing grade (D- or better [0.67 or higher]). May not be audited. Must be taken for a grade.
3 credit hours
Prerequisite: Junior standing. Theory of corporate finance, emphasizing wealth creation, valuation, risk, capital budgeting, and cost of capital.
3 credit hours
Prerequisites: MKT 3820; admission to the College of Business; junior standing. Psychological, sociological, legal, and marketing environments of promotion; the promotion mix consisting of advertising, publicity, personal selling, and sales promotion; and the development of promotion objectives, strategies, and plans.
3 credit hours
Prerequisites: MKT 3820; BIA 2610 or MATH 1530 or permission of instructor; junior standing and admission into the College of Business. Modern research methods and their application in gathering information for marketing decisions. Special emphasis given to the implementation of marketing surveys and qualitative research techniques.
3 credit hours
Prerequisite: Junior standing. (Keyboarding skills helpful.) A review of the theory and processes in oral and written business communication. Emphasis on the extensive functions of written and electronic communications.
3 credit hours
Prerequisites: MKT 3850; admission into the College of Business. Integrative nature of the elements of the promotional mix in the successful communication with the consumer of a firm’s products and services.
3 credit hours
Prerequisites: Senior standing; Marketing major; MKT 3010 and MKT 3930; 6 additional semester hours of marketing courses; admission into the College of Business. Marketing strategy, marketing policies, production planning, pricing, promotion, and service from the marketing manager’s point of view. Case analysis and marketing simulation emphasized.
3 credit hours
Prerequisites: MKT 3820; admission into the College of Business; junior standing. Provides an overview of the strategies involved in retailing. Covers critical retail determinants that consist of management of merchandise assortments, merchandise planning systems, buying strategies, pricing strategies, financial strategies, technological strategies, and store management. Special emphasis provided to digital and omnichannel retailing strategies. Consumer issues explored including customer buyer behavior, customer service requirements, and the retail communications mix.
3 credit hours
Prerequisites: MKT 3820; admission to the College of Business; junior standing. Principles, problems, and role of personal selling in the business environment. Buying motives, persuasion techniques, and steps of selling process are considered as they relate to different types of sales activities and products.
3 credit hours
Prerequisites: MKT 3820 or LSTS 3010; admission into the College of Business; junior standing. Survey of issues pertaining to the marketing of sports products and entities. Focuses on the application of strategic marketing planning to the sports industry.
3 credit hours
Prerequisites: MKT 3820; MATH 1530 or PSY 3020 or BIA 2610; admission into the College of Business; junior standing. Issues pertaining to marketing of products. Examines topics of interest to product managers including product life cycle, sales forecasting, new products, product positioning, and brand management.
3 credit hours
Prerequisite: MKT 3820; admission to the Jones College of Business; junior standing. Helps students understand and assess global market opportunities, development of market strategies in the international marketplace, and techniques of entering the international market. Examines cultural, social, economic, political, legal, and geographic elements. Particular focus on the role of the marketing mix elements in an international application.
3 credit hours
Prerequisites: MKT 3820; admission into the College of Business; junior standing. The role and scope of marketing in service entities, including impact, issues, and domestic and global trends.
1 to 3 credit hours
Prerequisites: Marketing or Entrepreneurship major; senior standing; an overall grade point average of 2.50; admission into the College of Business. Student is affiliated with an organization on a part-time basis to develop knowledge and experience in the practical application of marketing principles to actual business problems in a non-classroom situation. Can be applied toward the student’s degree requirements only upon approval of the department chair. This course can only be taken one time.
3 credit hours
Web development using HTML, XHTML, CSS, JavaScript, and multimedia Web content. Covers planning, design, development, and publishing of a Web site.
3 credit hours
(Same as RIM 4640.) Prerequisites: MKT 3820 or permission of instructor; admission to the College of Business. Provides students with an in-depth understanding of the role and importance of branding in the entertainment industry including the development of branding objectives consistent with both produce and overall marketing objectives. Students will learn how to align a brand with consumers and partners which will be demonstrated through the development of marketing plan relating to an approved entertainment product of their choosing.
3 credit hours
Prerequisites: MKT 3820; admission to College of Business; junior standing. Discussion of interrelated marketing issues dealing with the entertainment industry. Develops and relates the marketing mix for industry issues with regard to personality management, merchandising tie-ins, sports marketing/issues, and film/television distribution.
3 credit hours
Prerequisites: Admission into the College of Business; must be taken after completion of the business requirements and in the semester in which the student graduates. Development of top management perspective with emphasis on policy and strategy formulation and evaluation through the demonstration of competence in handling multifunctional business problems. Transfer credit not allowed; must be taken in residence.
3 credit hours
Prerequisite: MKT 3820; junior standing; admission to the College of Business. A survey of the metrics most commonly used to measure marketing performance with special emphasis given to marketing mix metrics, market share metrics, and customer lifetime value.
3 credit hours
Prerequisites: MKT 3820; admission into the College of Business; junior standing. Discover how to leverage the power of social media to impact an organization at various levels. Focuses on crafting quality content to execute a successful marketing strategy. Gain real-world experience in identifying an audience, content development, increasing user engagement, follower acquisition, social media advertising, influencer marketing, social media analytics, and measuring the return on investment (ROI). 
3 credit hours
Prerequisites: MKT 3820; admission into the College of Business; junior standing. Buyer behavior as an influence in marketing decisions; special attention given to the processes of motivation, perception, attitude, learning, and interaction.
3 credit hours
Prerequisites: MKT 3820; admission into the College of Business; junior standing. Provides an overview of the strategies involved in retailing. Covers critical retail determinants that consist of management of merchandise assortments, merchandise planning systems, buying strategies, pricing strategies, financial strategies, technological strategies, and store management. Special emphasis provided to digital and omnichannel retailing strategies. Consumer issues explored including customer buyer behavior, customer service requirements, and the retail communications mix.
3 credit hours
Prerequisites: MKT 3820; admission to the College of Business; junior standing. Principles, problems, and role of personal selling in the business environment. Buying motives, persuasion techniques, and steps of selling process are considered as they relate to different types of sales activities and products.
3 credit hours
Prerequisites: MKT 3820; MATH 1530 or PSY 3020 or BIA 2610; admission into the College of Business; junior standing. Issues pertaining to marketing of products. Examines topics of interest to product managers including product life cycle, sales forecasting, new products, product positioning, and brand management.
3 credit hours
Prerequisites: MKT 3820 or LSTS 3010; admission into the College of Business; junior standing. Survey of issues pertaining to the marketing of sports products and entities. Focuses on the application of strategic marketing planning to the sports industry.
3 credit hours
Prerequisite: MKT 3820; admission to the Jones College of Business; junior standing. Helps students understand and assess global market opportunities, development of market strategies in the international marketplace, and techniques of entering the international market. Examines cultural, social, economic, political, legal, and geographic elements. Particular focus on the role of the marketing mix elements in an international application.
3 credit hours
Prerequisites: MKT 3820; admission into the College of Business; junior standing. The role and scope of marketing in service entities, including impact, issues, and domestic and global trends.
1 to 3 credit hours
Prerequisites: Marketing or Entrepreneurship major; senior standing; an overall grade point average of 2.50; admission into the College of Business. Student is affiliated with an organization on a part-time basis to develop knowledge and experience in the practical application of marketing principles to actual business problems in a non-classroom situation. Can be applied toward the student’s degree requirements only upon approval of the department chair. This course can only be taken one time.
3 credit hours
Web development using HTML, XHTML, CSS, JavaScript, and multimedia Web content. Covers planning, design, development, and publishing of a Web site.
3 credit hours
(Same as RIM 4640.) Prerequisites: MKT 3820 or permission of instructor; admission to the College of Business. Provides students with an in-depth understanding of the role and importance of branding in the entertainment industry including the development of branding objectives consistent with both produce and overall marketing objectives. Students will learn how to align a brand with consumers and partners which will be demonstrated through the development of marketing plan relating to an approved entertainment product of their choosing.
3 credit hours
Prerequisites: MKT 3820; admission to College of Business; junior standing. Discussion of interrelated marketing issues dealing with the entertainment industry. Develops and relates the marketing mix for industry issues with regard to personality management, merchandising tie-ins, sports marketing/issues, and film/television distribution.
*A 2.25 GPA in these courses is required for admission to the Jones College of Business.
§Admission required

Our adjunct faculty bring outstanding professional experience to our programs. Many are industry leaders with decorated careers and honors. Importantly, they are innovative educators who offer hands-on learning to our students to prepare them to enter and thrive in a dynamic, and oftentimes emerging, industry and professional world. They inspire, instruct, and challenge our students toward academic and professional success.

MKT 3010 – Professional Preparation in Marketing
3 credit hours

Prerequisite: Admission to the Jones College of Business; junior standing. Open to Marketing majors. Facilitates the transition from college to career. Includes ideas for resume content development while still in college and enhances the student’s personal marketing skills in the job search. Presented from a marketing perspective, focusing on personal marketing skills for the professional environment.

MKT 3200 – Marketing for Entrepreneurs
3 credit hours

Prerequisites: ENTR 2900; admission into College of Business; junior standing. Applied study of marketing skills necessary to create a new business venture. Students will gain experience completing various marketing tasks that are important to new business startups.

MKT 3820 – Principles of Marketing
3 credit hours

Prerequisite: Junior standing. Survey of the functions, processes, and institutions involved in the distribution of consumer and industrial goods and services. Decision making in marketing management introduced.

MKT 3825 – Marketing Analytics
3 credit hours

Prerequisite: MKT 3820; junior standing; admission to the College of Business. A survey of the metrics most commonly used to measure marketing performance with special emphasis given to marketing mix metrics, market share metrics, and customer lifetime value.

MKT 3830 – Retailing and E-Commerce
3 credit hours

Prerequisites: MKT 3820; admission into the College of Business; junior standing. Provides an overview of the strategies involved in retailing. Covers critical retail determinants that consist of management of merchandise assortments, merchandise planning systems, buying strategies, pricing strategies, financial strategies, technological strategies, and store management. Special emphasis provided to digital and omnichannel retailing strategies. Consumer issues explored including customer buyer behavior, customer service requirements, and the retail communications mix.

MKT 3840 – Professional Selling
3 credit hours

Prerequisites: MKT 3820; admission to the College of Business; junior standing. Principles, problems, and role of personal selling in the business environment. Buying motives, persuasion techniques, and steps of selling process are considered as they relate to different types of sales activities and products.

MKT 3850 – Digital Marketing and Promotion
3 credit hours

Prerequisites: MKT 3820; admission to the College of Business; junior standing. Psychological, sociological, legal, and marketing environments of promotion; the promotion mix consisting of advertising, publicity, personal selling, and sales promotion; and the development of promotion objectives, strategies, and plans.

MKT 3855 – Product Management
3 credit hours

Prerequisites: MKT 3820; MATH 1530 or PSY 3020 or BIA 2610; admission into the College of Business; junior standing. Issues pertaining to marketing of products. Examines topics of interest to product managers including product life cycle, sales forecasting, new products, product positioning, and brand management.

MKT 3860 – Purchasing
3 credit hours

Prerequisite: MKT 3820; junior standing and admission into the College of Business. Purchasing management of materials and equipment in industry and government. Includes the optimum of quality, price, source, quantity, and time.

MKT 3865 – Sports Marketing
3 credit hours

Prerequisites: MKT 3820 or LSTS 3010; admission into the College of Business; junior standing. Survey of issues pertaining to the marketing of sports products and entities. Focuses on the application of strategic marketing planning to the sports industry.

MKT 3900 – Social Media Marketing
3 credit hours

Prerequisites: MKT 3820; admission into the College of Business; junior standing. Discover how to leverage the power of social media to impact an organization at various levels. Focuses on crafting quality content to execute a successful marketing strategy. Gain real-world experience in identifying an audience, content development, increasing user engagement, follower acquisition, social media advertising, influencer marketing, social media analytics, and measuring the return on investment (ROI). 

MKT 3910 – Consumer Behavior
3 credit hours

Prerequisites: MKT 3820; admission into the College of Business; junior standing. Buyer behavior as an influence in marketing decisions; special attention given to the processes of motivation, perception, attitude, learning, and interaction.

MKT 3920 – Entertainment Marketing
3 credit hours

Prerequisites: MKT 3820; admission to College of Business; junior standing. Discussion of interrelated marketing issues dealing with the entertainment industry. Develops and relates the marketing mix for industry issues with regard to personality management, merchandising tie-ins, sports marketing/issues, and film/television distribution.

MKT 3930 – Marketing Research
3 credit hours

Prerequisites: MKT 3820; BIA 2610 or MATH 1530 or permission of instructor; junior standing and admission into the College of Business. Modern research methods and their application in gathering information for marketing decisions. Special emphasis given to the implementation of marketing surveys and qualitative research techniques.

MKT 3950 – Business-to-Business Marketing
3 credit hours

Prerequisites: MKT 3820; admission into the College of Business; junior standing. Survey of managerial decisions involved in the business-to-business marketing of goods and services.

MKT 4170 – Advanced Digital Marketing
3 credit hours

Prerequisites: MKT 3850; admission into the College of Business. Integrative nature of the elements of the promotional mix in the successful communication with the consumer of a firm’s products and services.

MKT 4510 – International Marketing
3 credit hours

Prerequisite: MKT 3820; admission to the Jones College of Business; junior standing. Helps students understand and assess global market opportunities, development of market strategies in the international marketplace, and techniques of entering the international market. Examines cultural, social, economic, political, legal, and geographic elements. Particular focus on the role of the marketing mix elements in an international application.

MKT 4640 – Entertainment Branding
3 credit hours

(Same as RIM 4640.) Prerequisites: MKT 3820 or permission of instructor; admission to the College of Business. Provides students with an in-depth understanding of the role and importance of branding in the entertainment industry including the development of branding objectives consistent with both produce and overall marketing objectives. Students will learn how to align a brand with consumers and partners which will be demonstrated through the development of marketing plan relating to an approved entertainment product of their choosing.

MKT 4800 – Sales Management
3 credit hours

Prerequisites: MKT 3820; admission into the College of Business; junior standing. Management functions as applied to field sales force. Includes sales organization structures, selection and training of sales personnel, sales compensation, supervision and stimulation of the sales force, and evaluation of sales performance.

MKT 4840 – Study Abroad
3 credit hours

(Same as MGMT 4840.) Prerequisites: Junior/senior standing and admission into the College of Business. A short-term international business education experience designed to expose the student to the economic, political, cultural, and social environments of a foreign country(ies). Emphasis on the international state/status of the subject matter pertinent to marketing.

MKT 4850 – Advanced Selling
3 credit hours

Prerequisites: MKT 3840; admission into the College of Business; junior standing. The sales function as it relates to business-to-business selling and strategic relationship development. Topics include relational selling, account management, negotiation, team selling, handling conflict and ethical dilemmas, and selling to buying committees. Learning through interactive lecture, role-playing, and sales force automation software.

MKT 4870 – Services Marketing
3 credit hours

Prerequisites: MKT 3820; admission into the College of Business; junior standing. The role and scope of marketing in service entities, including impact, issues, and domestic and global trends.

MKT 4890 – Marketing Management
3 credit hours

Prerequisites: Senior standing; Marketing major; MKT 3010 and MKT 3930; 6 additional semester hours of marketing courses; admission into the College of Business. Marketing strategy, marketing policies, production planning, pricing, promotion, and service from the marketing manager’s point of view. Case analysis and marketing simulation emphasized.

MKT 4950 – Marketing Internship
1 to 3 credit hours

Prerequisites: Marketing or Entrepreneurship major; senior standing; an overall grade point average of 2.50; admission into the College of Business. Student is affiliated with an organization on a part-time basis to develop knowledge and experience in the practical application of marketing principles to actual business problems in a non-classroom situation. Can be applied toward the student’s degree requirements only upon approval of the department chair. This course can only be taken one time.

MKT 4990 – Independent Study
1 to 3 credit hours

Prerequisites: Senior standing; approval of department chair; admission into the College of Business. Individual research and analysis of contemporary problems and issues in a concentrated area under the guidance of an approved faculty member. This course can only be taken one time.

Prerequisite: Admission to the Jones College of Business; junior standing. Open to Marketing majors. Facilitates the transition from college to career. Includes ideas for resume content development while still in college and enhances the student’s personal marketing skills in the job search. Presented from a marketing perspective, focusing on personal marketing skills for the professional environment.
Prerequisites: ENTR 2900; admission into College of Business; junior standing. Applied study of marketing skills necessary to create a new business venture. Students will gain experience completing various marketing tasks that are important to new business startups.
Prerequisite: Junior standing. Survey of the functions, processes, and institutions involved in the distribution of consumer and industrial goods and services. Decision making in marketing management introduced.
Prerequisite: MKT 3820; junior standing; admission to the College of Business. A survey of the metrics most commonly used to measure marketing performance with special emphasis given to marketing mix metrics, market share metrics, and customer lifetime value.
Prerequisites: MKT 3820; admission into the College of Business; junior standing. Provides an overview of the strategies involved in retailing. Covers critical retail determinants that consist of management of merchandise assortments, merchandise planning systems, buying strategies, pricing strategies, financial strategies, technological strategies, and store management. Special emphasis provided to digital and omnichannel retailing strategies. Consumer issues explored including customer buyer behavior, customer service requirements, and the retail communications mix.
Prerequisites: MKT 3820; admission to the College of Business; junior standing. Principles, problems, and role of personal selling in the business environment. Buying motives, persuasion techniques, and steps of selling process are considered as they relate to different types of sales activities and products.
Prerequisites: MKT 3820; admission to the College of Business; junior standing. Psychological, sociological, legal, and marketing environments of promotion; the promotion mix consisting of advertising, publicity, personal selling, and sales promotion; and the development of promotion objectives, strategies, and plans.
Prerequisites: MKT 3820; MATH 1530 or PSY 3020 or BIA 2610; admission into the College of Business; junior standing. Issues pertaining to marketing of products. Examines topics of interest to product managers including product life cycle, sales forecasting, new products, product positioning, and brand management.
Prerequisite: MKT 3820; junior standing and admission into the College of Business. Purchasing management of materials and equipment in industry and government. Includes the optimum of quality, price, source, quantity, and time.
Prerequisites: MKT 3820 or LSTS 3010; admission into the College of Business; junior standing. Survey of issues pertaining to the marketing of sports products and entities. Focuses on the application of strategic marketing planning to the sports industry.
Prerequisites: MKT 3820; admission into the College of Business; junior standing. Discover how to leverage the power of social media to impact an organization at various levels. Focuses on crafting quality content to execute a successful marketing strategy. Gain real-world experience in identifying an audience, content development, increasing user engagement, follower acquisition, social media advertising, influencer marketing, social media analytics, and measuring the return on investment (ROI). 
Prerequisites: MKT 3820; admission into the College of Business; junior standing. Buyer behavior as an influence in marketing decisions; special attention given to the processes of motivation, perception, attitude, learning, and interaction.
Prerequisites: MKT 3820; admission to College of Business; junior standing. Discussion of interrelated marketing issues dealing with the entertainment industry. Develops and relates the marketing mix for industry issues with regard to personality management, merchandising tie-ins, sports marketing/issues, and film/television distribution.
Prerequisites: MKT 3820; BIA 2610 or MATH 1530 or permission of instructor; junior standing and admission into the College of Business. Modern research methods and their application in gathering information for marketing decisions. Special emphasis given to the implementation of marketing surveys and qualitative research techniques.
Prerequisites: MKT 3820; admission into the College of Business; junior standing. Survey of managerial decisions involved in the business-to-business marketing of goods and services.
Prerequisites: MKT 3850; admission into the College of Business. Integrative nature of the elements of the promotional mix in the successful communication with the consumer of a firm’s products and services.
Prerequisite: MKT 3820; admission to the Jones College of Business; junior standing. Helps students understand and assess global market opportunities, development of market strategies in the international marketplace, and techniques of entering the international market. Examines cultural, social, economic, political, legal, and geographic elements. Particular focus on the role of the marketing mix elements in an international application.
(Same as RIM 4640.) Prerequisites: MKT 3820 or permission of instructor; admission to the College of Business. Provides students with an in-depth understanding of the role and importance of branding in the entertainment industry including the development of branding objectives consistent with both produce and overall marketing objectives. Students will learn how to align a brand with consumers and partners which will be demonstrated through the development of marketing plan relating to an approved entertainment product of their choosing.
Prerequisites: MKT 3820; admission into the College of Business; junior standing. Management functions as applied to field sales force. Includes sales organization structures, selection and training of sales personnel, sales compensation, supervision and stimulation of the sales force, and evaluation of sales performance.
(Same as MGMT 4840.) Prerequisites: Junior/senior standing and admission into the College of Business. A short-term international business education experience designed to expose the student to the economic, political, cultural, and social environments of a foreign country(ies). Emphasis on the international state/status of the subject matter pertinent to marketing.
Prerequisites: MKT 3840; admission into the College of Business; junior standing. The sales function as it relates to business-to-business selling and strategic relationship development. Topics include relational selling, account management, negotiation, team selling, handling conflict and ethical dilemmas, and selling to buying committees. Learning through interactive lecture, role-playing, and sales force automation software.
Prerequisites: MKT 3820; admission into the College of Business; junior standing. The role and scope of marketing in service entities, including impact, issues, and domestic and global trends.
Prerequisites: Senior standing; Marketing major; MKT 3010 and MKT 3930; 6 additional semester hours of marketing courses; admission into the College of Business. Marketing strategy, marketing policies, production planning, pricing, promotion, and service from the marketing manager’s point of view. Case analysis and marketing simulation emphasized.
Prerequisites: Marketing or Entrepreneurship major; senior standing; an overall grade point average of 2.50; admission into the College of Business. Student is affiliated with an organization on a part-time basis to develop knowledge and experience in the practical application of marketing principles to actual business problems in a non-classroom situation. Can be applied toward the student’s degree requirements only upon approval of the department chair. This course can only be taken one time.
Prerequisites: Senior standing; approval of department chair; admission into the College of Business. Individual research and analysis of contemporary problems and issues in a concentrated area under the guidance of an approved faculty member. This course can only be taken one time.
Dr. Michael Peasley
615-494-8992 | BAS N433
Jones College of Business Undergraduate Advising Center
615-904-8063 | BAS N216
Department of Marketing
Middle Tennessee State University
MTSU Box 40 
1301 East Main Street
Murfreesboro, TN 37132


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