Laurel Health Centers offer free health insurance enrollment counseling –

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Updated: October 20, 2024 @ 1:01 pm
Carla Westlake is an APEX Award-winning certified application counselor with Laurel Health Centers who has helped numerous patients choose the best insurance plan for their needs.

Carla Westlake is an APEX Award-winning certified application counselor with Laurel Health Centers who has helped numerous patients choose the best insurance plan for their needs.
Tioga and Bradford Counties, Pa. — Pennie, Pennsylvania’s health insurance marketplace, will begin open enrollment for 2025 plans on Nov. 1. During the Nov. 1 through Jan. 15, 2025 period, all Pennsylvania residents can enroll in new coverage, switch plans, or renew their current plans on
Please note that enrollment must be completed by Dec. 15 for coverage to be active starting Jan. 1. Enrolling after Dec. 15 will delay coverage activation until Feb. 1.
To help the region’s residents navigate the marketplace, the Laurel Health Centers are offering free enrollment counseling and support. This service is available to everyone, even people who have never been Laurel Health patients.
The Laurel Health insurance enrollment help line can be reached by calling 570-723-3424.
“We assist patients with reviewing and comparing their coverage options on the state marketplace and/or through insurance affordability programs like Medicaid and CHIP,” explains Carla Westlake, Laurel Health’s certified application counselor. “Our goal is to help everyone find a health plan that is a good fit. Anyone looking for the right affordable coverage is welcome to make an appointment. Free appointments are available year-round to discuss insurance questions and coverage.”
Carla Westlake has years of experience helping patients review insurance options and navigate enrollment paperwork. She was recently awarded the prestigious APEX Award by the Pennsylvania Association of Community Health Centers for her outstanding work with patients and dedication to serving her community.
Pennsylvanians who like their current insurance should update and verify their 2024 income and household size on to confirm eligibility for financial assistance, avoid coverage disruptions, and ensure that automatic re-enrollment works properly.
Open enrollment is the only time to change health plans unless a life event such as relocating, marriage/divorce, employment changes, or birth/adoption opens a special enrollment window.
Laurel Health also offers free enrollment and application help to those who qualify for a special enrollment period.
The Laurel Health Centers have certified application counselors who help patients compare plans, review eligibility for financial assistance, and enroll in insurance. With this assistance, Laurel Health aims to make enrollment season less stressful and allow patients to make informed decisions.
Laurel Health provides enrollment assistance for commercial marketplace plans (, Medicaid, and sliding fee programs. For help with Medicare plans, patients should contact their social security office or local Area Agency on Aging office.
To make an appointment to discuss your health plan options, contact Carla Westlake at 570-723-3424 or
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