Figures announces bill to broaden health care due to Alabama’s refusal to expand Medicaid – NBC 15 WPMI

by Keith Lane
Congressman Shomari C. Figures (AL-02) announced Tuesday that he is a lead co-sponsor for the Cover Outstanding Vulnerable Expansion-Eligible Residents Now (COVER Now) Act to expand health care coverage to millions of Americans who remain uninsured due to state-level refusals to accept federal Medicaid expansion funds.

“People across Alabama—both Democrat and Republican—have called for the state to expand Medicaid for over a decade,” said Congressman Figures. “Because of the state’s refusal to do so, more than 300,000 people are unable to receive quality health care that they would have access to if the state expanded Medicaid. This bill provides an option for the people of Alabama to bypass the state and receive health care coverage. Expanding Medicaid is a bipartisan issue given the fact that 40 states and the District of Columbia have already expanded coverage. I urge my colleagues to support this bill so that thousands of people in Alabama and millions of people nationwide can finally access the quality, affordable health care they deserve.”
The COVER Now Act provides another option for states, like Alabama, that have refused Medicaid expansion. It establishes Medicaid pilot projects, allowing the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) to work directly with counties and cities to provide coverage for individuals who would qualify for Medicaid if their states chose to expand.
Below are the key components of the legislation:
Launches Seven-Year Pilot Projects: The bill proposes a structured approach, ensuring full cost coverage for the first three years and gradually declining to 90% by year seven.
Streamlines Enrollment: The bill proposes a streamlined approach that automatically enrolls eligible individuals in the state plan if a statewide Medicaid expansion occurs during a pilot project.
Adopts Successful Models: The bill adopts successful county-based Medicaid expansion programs in states like California and Illinois, demonstrating the effectiveness of this collaborative approach.
The COVER Now Act is endorsed by a coalition of organizations, including UnidosUS, Southern Poverty Law Center Action Fund, National Partnership for Women & Families, American Diabetes Association, National Alliance on Mental Illness, National Multiple Sclerosis Society.


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