Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning — CNM – CNM

Spring Term Starts January 8
The Artificial Intelligence program focuses on building machine learning models for predicting, making decisions, and enhancing human capabilities. Earn an Artificial Intelligence Degree or Artificial Intelligence certificate.

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Note: Some jobs require education or training beyond the CNM degree/certificate.

The Artificial Intelligence certificate is designed for students who want to enhance their current STEM career or begin a new career in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. 
The Artificial Intelligence degree (AAS) provides opportunities for you to achieve a high-quality, high-value education that enables you to begin a new career in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.
Many of the courses in this degree are transferable and some may be applied to two and four-year degree programs. CNM currently has transfer agreements with many colleges and universities in New Mexico and elsewhere.
Program content includes an introduction to artificial intelligence and machine learning, natural language processing, computer vision, and artificial intelligence for business solutions and other applications.
The program provides the knowledge and skills used in a variety of fields using artificial intelligence, including the information technology, automotive, healthcare, aerospace, industrial, and manufacturing industries.

This program is pending Financial Aid approval. Some courses are not eligible for Financial Aid. Please check the Ineligible Courses List when considering a course.
For more information, contact the School of Business, Hospitality & Technology Advisor at (505) 224-3811.

Get Started at CNM Today
Phone: (505) 224-3000
Monday – Thursday, 7 a.m. – 7 p.m.
Friday, 7 a.m. – 5 p.m.


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