Unjust Disparities: A Closer Look at Inequality in India – Drishti IAS

This editorial is based on the article “Growth mania can be injurious to society ” which was published in The Hindu on 30 /01/2024. It discusses the persistence of inequality in India despite the ongoing economic growth and explores effective strategies to address this issue.
For Prelims: WEF, GDP, GST, Growth, GHI score, Global Gender Gap Report, OECD, Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act Scheme (MGNREGA), National Rural Health Mission (NRHM), Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana
For Mains: Recent Economic Growth Trajectory of India, Inequality Trends in India, Increasing Inequality in India, Inclusive Growth, Steps to Achieve Inclusive Growth in India.
Recently, the President of the World Economic Forum commended India, foreseeing it as a future $10 trillion economy. However, even as India strengthens its economic position, the advantages of this progress aren’t reaching everyone, particularly those who are marginalized.
The exclusive emphasis on economic growth is causing increasing concern in India. There is an urgent need for policy interventions and heightened government actions to ensure more inclusive growth.

By embracing and implementing inclusive policies that tackle the underlying causes of inequality, India has the potential to transition towards a more equitable society. This transformative approach aligns with the aspirations of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal 10.
Drishti Mains Question:
Discuss the causes of increasing inequality despite India’s high economic growth and suggest measures to achieve inclusive growth in India.

Q.Inclusive growth as enunciated in the Eleventh Five Year Plan does not include one of the following: (2010)
(a) Reduction of poverty 
(b) Extension of employment opportunities 
(c) Strengthening of capital market
(d) Reduction of gender inequality
Ans: C
Q. COVID-19 pandemic accelerated class inequalities and poverty in India. Comment. (2020)

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